如果机器人真正介入人的生活,包括爱情在内的人际关系将会发生怎样的变化?如果人可以摈弃肉身,将大脑变为数据上传至任何载体,人是否就可以不再受物质性身体的束缚,便因此可以免除一切病痛、丧失和死亡,从而走向永生 2019年英国女作家珍妮特·温特森出版的《弗兰啃斯坦:一个爱情故事》通过重写玛丽·雪莱的《弗兰肯斯坦》,表达了生物工程、基因技术和人工智能高度发展的语境中生命观和婚恋观的变化。本文拟围绕《弗兰啃斯坦》中的性别政治和离身性这两个核心问题,阐释温特森对后人类社会中酷儿之恋和人机之恋的设想,认为该小说体现了性别伦理、人机伦理和生命伦理三个层面的伦理隐忧,表达了新语境下对爱情以及对身体、意识、生命与死亡等问题的思考。
If robots intervene in human’s lives,how could human relations and love relationship in particular change?If humans could abandon body and upload consciousness onto anything that is available and hence are no longer bound to the constraints of the body,can we be exonerated from all the disease,loss and death,and achieve immortality?To ponder over these issues,the British woman novelist Jeanette Winterson rewrites Frankenstein in her 2019 novel Frankissstein:A Love Story,expressing her reflections on the changing notion of life and love due to the high development of bioengineering technology and artificial intelligence.This essay aims to address gender politics of love and disembodiment of mind from matter to interpret Winterson’s speculation on queer love and robots.It argues that Winterson tells an admonitory tale on gender ethics,machine ethics and bioethics through her thinking on love,body,mind,life and death.
Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies