

Theoretical Exploration and Practical Innovation of Trial Teaching Theory:An Exclusive Interview with the Founder of Trial Teaching Theory Qiu Xuehua
摘要 邱学华先生是我国著名教育家,毕生致力于尝试教学的理论研究与实践探索。其主张将学生的“练”置于教师的“讲”之前,并给予学生充分的信任与尝试的机会,由此提出了“先练后讲”的尝试教学法。尝试教学法对培养学生的自主学习能力和创新精神都具有重要意义。邱学华先生还创造性地提出了“尝试成功说”,主张“请不要告诉我,让我先试一试”观点,并建立了自主探究、学生为本、关注合作的尝试教学理念。尝试教学不存在固定不变的操作模式,在实践中逐渐形成了基本模式、灵活模式和整合模式等3种有代表性的教学模式。邱学华先生认为,尝试教学的实施策略可以分为3个阶段:尝试前,教师要营造宽松的学习氛围,调动学生参与课堂教学的积极性;尝试中,教师要为学生创造尝试的机会,使学生养成自主尝试的学习习惯;尝试后,教师要给予及时的反馈,引导学生对教学内容查缺补漏、持续反思。尝试教学在发展过程中逐渐形成了关注学生自立自信、培养学生创新精神、促进学生间合作的教学特色。邱学华先生还指出,尝试教学在未来发展中要与发展学生的核心素养、落实国家“双减”政策、构建新时代中国特色社会主义教育理论体系等时代要求紧密结合,为我国教育教学的理论发展与实践创新贡献新力量。 Mr.Qiu Xuehua is a famous educator in China.He has devoted his life to the theoretical research and practical exploration of Trial Teaching.Mr.Qiu Xuehua advocates the ideas of putting students“practice”before teachers lectures and giving students full trust and opportunities to try,and thus puts forward the Trial Teaching Method of“practice first,teaching second”,which is of great significance for the development of students independent learning ability and innovative spirit.He creatively put forward the idea that“trial leads to success”,advocated the belief that“please don t tell me,let me try first”,and established the Trial Teaching concept which is student-oriented with a focus onautonomous exploration and cooperation.There is no fixed operation mode in the Trial Teaching method,but in practice,three representative teaching modes,namely the basic mode,the flexible mode and the integratedmode,have been gradually formed.According to Qiu,the implementation strategy of Trial Teaching can be divided into three stages.Before trying,teachers should create a relaxed learning atmosphere and mobilize the enthusiasm of students to participate in class.During the process of trying,teachers should create opportunities for students to try,developing their learning habit of trying independently.After trying,teachers should give timely feedback,and guide the students to check the gaps and reflect on themselves constantly.In the process of development,Trial Teaching has gradually formed the teaching art that pays attention to students self-confidence and self-reliance,cultivating students innovative spirit and promoting cooperation and complementarity among students.Mr.Qiu also pointed out that the future development of Trial Teaching should be closely combined with the development of students core qualities,the implementation of the“Double Reduction”policy,and the construction of an educational theory system with Chinese characteristics for a new era,so as to contribute new strength to the theoretical de
作者 邱学华 张良 金海楠 QIU Xuehua;ZHANG Liang;JIN Hainan(Institute of TrialEducation Science,Changzhou University,Changzhou 213164,China;Faculty of Education,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
出处 《教师教育学报》 2023年第4期1-11,共11页 Journal of Teacher Education
关键词 尝试教学 学生为本 尝试精神 创新精神 自主探究 教学方法 Trial Teaching student orientation the spirit of trial the spirit of innovation autonomous exploration teaching method
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