

Research on the Influencing Factors of Knowledge Management Ability of Professionals in High-speed Rail Industry Accessing into Overseas Markets
摘要 研究高铁“走出去”国际化人才知识管理能力影响因素构成是提升其知识管理能力的关键,是培养和开发高铁“走出去”国际化复合人才的核心内容。我国高铁国际化人才严重短缺,研究论证影响我国高铁“走出去”人才知识管理能力因素构成,是落实二十大“人才强国”战略、推进高铁“走出去”人才培养和开发的重要举措和手段。本论文通过文献研究充分借鉴国内外现有国际化人才知识管理能力理论研究成果,结合我国高铁“走出去”实践对国际化人才知识管理能力的需求特征,创新性提出我国高铁“走出去”人才知识管理能力及其影响因素的假设模型,并基于我国高铁“走出去”企业海外人才实际调查数据,运用结构方程模型的方法验证了组织因素对知识管理能力的直接影响,以及社会环境因素对知识管理能力的间接影响。模型验证发现,知识管理能力组织影响因素中,影响最为显著的是激励机制,系数是0.95;第二是员工培训,系数是0.89。在环境因素中,法律环境因素影响最为显著,系数是0.93;第二是市场环境,系数是0.92。因此,提升我国高铁“走出去”海外人才知识管理能力,应考虑从强化组织层面的激励机制、对员工进行国外文化及法律的相关培训等方面着手。本文为基于知识管理能力提升的高铁“走出去”国际化人才培养模式提供了理论支撑,为化解我国高铁“走出去”国际化人才严重短缺现状,加快培养和开发高铁“走出去”国际化人才提供了科学依据。 The key to improve the knowledge management ability of professionals working in high-speed rail industry accessing into the international market is to study its influencing factors,which is also the core contents in cultivating professionals with international perspectives in high-speed rail industry.As there is a shortage of this kind of professionals,it is an important initiative and method to study and discuss the influencing factors so as to implement the strategy on building a strong nation through building a pool of talented professionals set out in the 20th National Congress of the CPC and to promote the cultivation of professionals for the high-speed rail industry going into the international market.Based on the existing research and the characteristics of"High-speed Rail going out",the thesis proposes a hypothesis model of knowledge management ability and its influencing factors,and based on the actual survey data,the structural equation model is used to verify the direct influence of organizational factors on knowledge management ability.And the indirect impact of social environmental factors on knowledge management capabilities.It is found that among organizational factors,the most significant factor is the incentive system with coefficient being 0.95,and the second significant factor is training employees with coefficient being 0.89.Among social environmental factors,legal factors is the most important one with coefficient being 0.93,and the second important factor is market with coefficient being 0.92.Therefore,to improve the knowledge management ability of these professionals,the incentive system should be highlighted,while engaging employees in trainings on foreign cultures and relevant laws.This paper provides theoretical support and scientific evidence for the cultivation model of professionals in the high-speed rail industry going into international market.
作者 李芷萱 沙首伟 朱晗 LI Zhi-xuan;SHA Shou-wei;ZHU Han(College of Economics and Management,China Agricultural University,Beijing,100091;China Railway Capital Company Limited,China Railway Corporation Limited,Beijing,100039;China Huarong Asset Management Co.,LTD,Beijing,100033)
出处 《中国劳动》 2023年第1期41-54,共14页 China Labor
关键词 高铁“走出去” 海外人才 知识管理能力 知识管理能力影响因素 high-speed rail industry accessing into international markets overseas talents knowledge management ability knowledge management ability’s influencing factors
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