

Investigation and analysis of the fertilization status of tea plantation in Tai'an City
摘要 针对泰安市茶区存在产量偏低、低产茶园偏多问题,采用问卷调查形式进行了泰安市茶主产区施肥情况调查。结果表明,在回收的84户茶企、茶农问卷中,大多以小面积茶园经营为主;鲜叶采摘以1芽1叶和1芽2叶为主;施肥种类主要是复合肥料、商品有机肥料、尿素;施肥模式大多为基肥+3次追肥和基肥+2次追肥,多以施用尿素+复合肥料+有机肥料为主;年施肥量多数茶园每公顷有机肥料少于3000kg,复合肥料750~1500kg,尿素300~600kg;选择肥料受到施肥习惯和周围农户、经销商推荐影响较大,购买肥料时受价格和往年施肥习惯影响;普遍存在有机肥料施用不足、氮肥过量、新型高效肥料偏少、肥料总投入偏少等问题。建议政府,非营利性社会组织及科研院所,茶企、茶农三方深度融合以解决施肥问题。 Tea industry as one of the key agricultural industries in Tai'an City,the yield and quality of Taishan tea are affected by fertilization.It is of great significance for realizing scientific fertilization and promoting the sustainable development of tea industry in Tai'an City by clarifying the fertilization status in tea plantation and analyzing the characteristics of fertilization in Tai'an Cit-y.A total of 84 tea enterprises(farmers)in the main tea producing areas of Tai'an City were inves-tigated by questionnaire.The survey found that most of the respondents were mainly small-scale tea plantation,fresh leaf picking was mainly one bud one leaf and one bud two leaves.The main fertiliz-ers were compound fertilizer,commercial organic fertilizer and urea.Diversified fertilization struc-ture,urea+compound fertilizer+organic fertilizer was the main fertilization structure.The fertili-zation modes of"three times of topdressing and one time of base fertilizer"and"two times of top-dressing and one time of base fertilizer"were widely used.The annual application of organic fertiliz-er was mostly less than 3000 kg/hm’,compound fertilizer and urea were mostly applied at 750~1500 kg/hm^(2)and 300~600 kg/hm^(2).Tea farmers were more affected by habitual fertilization and fertilization habits of surrounding farmers when choosing fertilizers,and were affected by prices and fertilization habits in previous years when purchasing.Less use of new high-efficiency fertilizer,in-sufficient application of organic fertilizer,excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer;Tea farmers were easy to be influenced by external factors when choosing fertilizer,and the fertilizer input was less.It was suggested that the government,non-profit social organizations,scientific research insti-tutes and tea enterprises(farmers)should be deeply integrated to solve the problem of fertilization.
作者 尤昕涵 鹿英 张丽霞 董利红 黄晓琴 韩晓阳 YOU Xinhan;LU Ying;ZHANG Lixia;DONG Lihong;HUANG Xiaoqin;HAN Xiaoyang(College of Horticulture Science and Engineering,Shandong Agriculture University,Tai'an,Shandong 271018,China;Feicheng Science and Technology Innovation Research Center,Feicheng,Shandong 271600,China;Hutun Town People's Government of Feicheng City,Feicheng,Shandong 271600,China)
出处 《落叶果树》 2023年第3期39-44,共6页 Deciduous Fruits
基金 山东省科技特派员创新创业共同体产业服务团项目。
关键词 泰安市 茶园 施肥情况 调查 Tai'an City tea plantation fertilization survey analysis
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