

Reflections on Parallel Prose Teaching in the History of Literature in Colleges and Universities
摘要 在当前高校的古代文学教学中,骈文位居诗歌、散文等文体之后,其重要性在很大程度上被削弱。因骈文本身具有内在的特殊性,这就使得它不同于一般的文体类别,如纯文学体类的诗歌。在当前各种版本的文学史教材中,关于骈文的论述都远较诗歌简略。究其原因,或许一方面是受纯文学观念的影响所致,另一方面则与骈文本身的特征有关,即注重形式美,讲究华丽的辞藻、繁密的典故、严谨的平仄格律与精工的对偶。过于注重形式,往往会忽视内容,由此招来形式主义的指责。另外,由于骈文中汇集了数量众多的典故与生僻字词,所以许多教师望而生畏,有意避而不谈,从而导致骈文在教学中没有受到应有的重视。有鉴于此,教师在以后的教学中应该转变观念,勇于突破,努力创新,不断加大对骈文教学的力度,全面细致地分析研讨有关骈文的文体发展进程,阐释骈文的文体特征与美学功能等诸多问题,以期客观公正地对待骈文。 In the current teaching of ancient Chinese literature in colleges and universities,parallel prose is ranked behind poetry and prose,and its importance is weakened to a large extent.Because of its inherent particularity,parallel prose is different from other genres,such as poetry,which is of pure literary style.In the current editions of literary history textbooks,the discussion of parallel prose is much briefer than that of poetry.The reason for this is perhaps due to the influence of the pure literary concept on the one hand,and the characteristics of parallel prose itself on the other hand,that is,focusing on the beauty in form,gorgeous rhetoric,dense allusions,strict tonal patterns and refined couplets.Too much emphasis on the form often results in the neglection of the content,thus attracting the criticism of formalism.In addition,many teachers are intimidated by the large number of allusions and unfamiliar words and phrases in parallel prose,and intentionally avoid talking about it,which leads to a lack of attention to parallel prose in teaching.In view of this,in future teaching,teachers should change their conceptions,have the courage to make breakthroughs and strive for innovation,constantly increase their efforts to teach parallel prose,analyze and study the development process of parallel prose in a comprehensive and detailed manner,and explain the stylistic features and aesthetic functions of parallel prose in order to treat it objectively and fairly.
作者 刘涛 LIU Tao(College of Literature and Journalism,Hanshan Normal University,Chaozhou,Guangdong,521041)
出处 《韩山师范学院学报》 2023年第2期89-100,共12页 Journal of Hanshan Normal University
基金 国家社科基金一般项目(项目编号:18BZW042)。
关键词 文学史 骈文教学 省思 history of literature parallel prose teaching reflections
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