为研究不同浓度的外源油菜素内酯(BR)对东京野茉莉种子营养成分及元素积累的影响,以10 a生东京野茉莉结实母树为试验材料,设计不同浓度的外源油菜素内酯处理,分别在花后45、65、95、125 d进行喷施,于花后50、70、100、130 d采集种子样品,分析测定各油菜素内酯处理组与喷蒸馏水对照组东京野茉莉种子的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、淀粉、粗脂肪和有机碳、全氮、全磷、全钾等指标的变化。结果显示:(1)在种子营养成分方面,在花后100 d,BR10处理的东京野茉莉种子中可溶性糖含量最高,达到177.77 mg/g FW,是对照的4倍;在花后130 d,BR20处理的可溶性蛋白含量最高,为1.81 mg/g FW,是对照的1.22倍,BR5处理的淀粉含量最高,为25.70 mg/g FW,是对照的5.02倍;在花后70 d时,BR5处理的粗脂肪含量最高,为47.90%,是对照组的1.2倍。从4个时期来看,BR5和BR10两种处理的粗脂肪含量都高于CK组。(2)在种子营养元素方面,在花后130 d,BR5处理的全氮、全钾元素含量最高,分别为3.27 mg/g DW、2.06 mg/g DW;在花后100 d,BR20处理的全磷含量最高,为0.27 mg/g DW,是对照的2.5倍;在花后130 d,BR10处理的全碳含量最高,为64.10%,是对照组的1.12倍。研究表明:在果实发育的中后期,BR处理对东京野茉莉种子生长发育有明显促进作用,其中较低浓度的BR处理效果更佳,有利于提高种实产量和品质。
To study the effects of different concentrations of exogenous brassinolide(BR)on the accumulation of food reserves and nutrient elements in S.tonkinensis seeds,10-year-old seeding trees of S.tonkinensis were chosen as the experimental materials and different concentrations of exogenous BR treatments were set up in this experiment.The BR was sprayed at 45,65,95 and 125 days after flowering.Seed samples were collected at 50,70,100 and 130 days after flowering.The changes of soluble sugar,soluble protein,starch,crude fat,organic carbon,total nitrogen,total phosphorus and total potassium of seeds of S.tonkinensis in BR treatment group and spray distilled water control group were analyzed and determined.The results showed that:in terms of seed food reserves,the soluble sugar content of BR10 treated seeds of S.tonkinensis was the highest,reaching 177.77 mg/g FW at 100 days after flowering,which was 4 times higher than that of the control;At 130 days after flowering,the highest soluble protein concentration of 1.81 mg/g FW appeared in the BR20 treatment,which was 1.22 times that of the control,and the highest starch concentration of 25.70 mg/g FW was detected in the BR5 treatment,which was 5.02 times that of the control.At 70 days after flowering,the crude fat concentration(47.90%)of BR5 treatment was the highest,which was 1.2 times higher than that of the control.From the four periods,the crude fat concentration of both BR5 and BR10 treatments were higher than that of the CK group.In terms of seed nutrient elements,the BR5 treatment had the highest content of total nitrogen and potassium at 130 days after flowering,which were 3.27 mg/g DW and 2.06 mg/g DW respectively,and the highest content of total phosphorus was 0.27 mg/g DW at 100 days after flowering in the BR20 treatment,which was 2.5 times higher than the control;the highest content of total carbon was 64.10%at 130 days after flowering in the BR10 treatment,which was 1.12 times as much as the control group.The results indicated that BR treatment significantly pr
MAO Xue;LI Bin;WANG Xiao-yu;CHEN Chen;YU Fang-yuan(Co-Innovation Center for Sustainable Forestry in Southern China,College of Forest Science,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing Jiangsu 210037,P.R.China;Qingyuan Forestry Development and Service Center,Ji’an Jiangxi 343009,P.R.China)
Journal of West China Forestry Science