
美国生物防御特需药物研发现状分析及启示 被引量:1

Biodefense drugs in USA:an analysis of current research and development
摘要 生物防御特需药物是反生物战、反生物恐怖以及应对突发生物事件的重要手段,加强国家生物防御特需药物研发能力是维护国家主权领土完整、维护国家利益拓展和遂行非战争军事行动等保障国家和军队生物安全的基础和关键。当前,国际生物防御科技进展迅猛,世界主要发达国家日益重视生物防御特需药物的研究、开发与储备。该文以美国为例,分析其生物防御特需药物研发现状及主要特点,并提出加强我国相关研究的对策建议。 Biodefense drugs are the important means of anti-biological warfare,anti-bioterrorism,and dealing with public health emergencies. Enhancing the ability to research biodefense drugs is the basis of and key to biosafety and biosecurity,which can help the military to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity,safeguard national interests overseas,and carry out military operations other than war. Currently,global biodefense technology is progressing rapidly.The leading developed countries are paying more attention to the research and development of biodefense drugs by investing heavily in corresponding research and stockpile. The paper focuses on the United States to analyze the current characteristics of the development of biodefense drugs and proposes some ways to strengthen the related research in China.
作者 徐婧含 侯利华 朱联辉 XU Jing-han;HOU Li-hua;ZHU Lian-hui(Institute of Biotechnology,Academy of Military Medical Sciences,Academy of Military Sciences,Beijing 100071,China)
出处 《军事医学》 CAS CSCD 2023年第2期97-103,共7页 Military Medical Sciences
基金 中国工程院咨询课题(2021-XBZD-11-05)。
关键词 生物防御 生物安全 特需药物 biodefense biosecurity biodefense drugs
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