
基于社会认知理论的家庭干预对精神分裂症患者知识、态度、信念、行为以及疾病状况的作用评价 被引量:13

Assessmentof the social cognitive theory⁃based family intervention effects on knowledge,attitude,belief and practice of schizophrenic patients
摘要 目的评价基于社区严重精神障碍管理机制、社会认知理论设计的精神分裂症患者家庭干预措施。方法选取中国东、中、西部4个城市5个试点开展的多中心研究,随机选出42个社区,基于经过知情同意纳入298个患者家庭,以居住社区为单位,根据随机分配原则,共有150户家庭纳入干预组,148户家庭纳入对照组。干预组在接受社区常规管理的基础上增加家庭干预,为期1年。使用课题组自行设计的知识、态度、信念、行为问卷、《严重精神障碍管理治疗工作规范》中的《患者随访服务记录表》、临床总体印象量表在基线时和第12月末进行评估。结果干预前后得分差值,干预组比对照组知识总分高1.17,态度总分高2.08分,信念总分高2.25分,服药依从行为高2.79,家人支持行为高0.39;除用药依从性外,家庭干预组相关知识、态度、信念、行为和疾病状态情况显著优于对照组(P均<0.05);干预组用药依从性优于对照组,两者都不低于95%,P=0.404。结论家庭干预可以有效提高患者的知识、态度、信念、行为和疾病状态。 Objective To evaluate the family intervention effects for schizophrenia patients based on the severer mental disorder diseases community⁃based management mechanism and social cognitive theory.Methods A multi⁃center study was conducted in 5 pilot sites in 4 cities in eastern,central and western China.Randomly selected 42 communities,and 150 families were included in the intervention group and 148 families were included in the control group with the in⁃formed consent.Beyond of routine community management activities,the intervention group received the family intervention additionally for one year,respectively.Self⁃designed Knowledge,Attitude,Belief,Practice questionnaire,the Follow⁃up Service Record Form of Severe Mental Disorders Patients Management and Treatment,and Clinical Global Impression Scale were used for assessment at baseline and at the end of 12 months.Results Compared with the control group,the interven⁃tion group had 1.17 higher scores in knowledge,2.08 higher scores in attitude,2.25 higher scores in belief,2.79 higher scores in medication compliance,and 0.39 higher scores in family support.In addition to medication compliance,the relat⁃ed knowledge,attitude,belief,practice,and disease status of the family intervention group were significantly better than those of the control group(all P<0.05),and the medication compliance of the intervention group was better than that of the control group,both were higher than 95%(P=0.404).Conclusion Family intervention can effectively improve the knowledge,attitude,belief,practice and disease status of the schizophrenia patients.
作者 蔡颖 李方波 樊理诗 马弘 孙昕霙 CAI Ying;LI Fang-bo;FAN Li-shi;MA Hong;SUN Xin-ying(Peking University School of Public Health Social Medicine and Health Education Department,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《中国健康教育》 北大核心 2022年第10期892-897,共6页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 精神分裂症 家庭干预 知识、态度、信念、行为 疾病状态 社区康复 Schizophrenia Family intervention Knowledge,attitude,belief and practice Mental health Family rehabilitation
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