
沼渣、飞灰和污泥生物炭制备建筑陶粒 被引量:3

Preparation of building ceramsite from food waste digestate residues,incineration fly ash and sludge biochar
摘要 以90%(质量分数)餐厨厌氧沼渣(DR)与10%(质量分数)飞灰(FA)协同水热脱水滤饼为研究对象,将其热解制备得到的沼渣生物炭(DFC)与污泥生物炭(SSC)按比例混合造粒并经高温烧结制备高强度建筑陶粒以实现废弃物资源化利用。按国家标准GB/T 17431.1—2010进行性能检测,并解析BCR形态和潜在生态风险指标,评估其安全性。结果表明,DFC与SSC按照25%∶75%比例混合造粒,在1050℃烧结温度下制备得到的建筑陶粒各项性能指标均符合国家标准GB/T 17431.1—2010,其中抗压强度大于5.85MPa (密度等级为900级),堆积密度小于1050kg/m^(3),表观密度小于2000kg/m^(3),氯化物含量低于0.02%,硫化物和硫酸盐含量低于1%;建筑陶粒中重金属浸出毒性低于国家标准GB 5085.3—2007的阈值。BCR形态分析表明Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Pb的主要存在形式为稳定形式残渣态(F4)态,占比均超过70%;重金属潜在生态风险指数较低,产品安全性较高,属于轻微风险。通过经济性核算可知,每生产1t的建筑陶粒将会额外产生2000~2500元左右的收益,因此本研究具有广阔的应用市场和前景,同时也是实现DR、FA、SSC三种废弃物资源化、减量化和无害化处置的有效途径之一。 Hydrothermal filter cake, produced from 90% food waste digestate residues and 10%incineration fly ash, was pyrolyzed to prepare biochar(DFC). The DFC was used together with sludge biochar(SSC) as raw materials for proportioning and sintering to prepare high-strength building ceramsite to realize the resource utilization of solid waste. The performance testing was according to national standard GB/T17431.1—2010. BCR morphological analysis and potential ecological risk indexes were used to assess its safety. The results showed that all the performance indicators of the building ceramsite prepared by DFC and SSC in the ratio of 25%∶75% at a sintering temperature of 1050℃ comply with the national standard GB/T17431.1—2010, including compressive strength greater than 5.85MPa(density class 900), bulk density less than 1050kg/m^(3), apparent density less than 2000kg/m^(3), chloride content less than 0.02%, and sulphide and sulphate content less than 1%. The leaching toxicity of heavy metals was lower than the threshold values of national standard GB 5085.3—2007, and the main fraction of Cr, Ni,Cu, Zn, As and Pb is F4 fraction, accounting for more than 70% of the total, while the potential ecological risk index indicates that the safety of heavy metals in building ceramics was high and belongs to low risk.Through economic calculation, it could be seen that every 1t of construction ceramics produced could generate an additional income of about 2000—2500CNY, so this study had a broad application market and prospect, and was also one of the effective ways to achieve the resourcefulness, reduction and harmless disposal of DR, FA and SSC.
作者 王玉 余广炜 林佳佳 黎长江 江汝清 邢贞娇 余铖 WANG Yu;YU Guangwei;LIN Jiajia;LI Changjiang;JIANG Ruqing;XING Zhenjiao;YU Cheng(CAS Key Laboratory of Urban Pollutant Conversion,Institute of Urban Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xiamen 361021,Fujian,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Fujian Municipal Solid Waste Resource Recovery Technology Research Center,Xiamen 361021,Fujian,China;College of Life Sciences,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,Fujian,China;Fujian Academy of Building Research Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350199,Fujian,China)
出处 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期1039-1050,共12页 Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress
基金 国家重点研发计划(2020YFC1908904) 中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项(XDA23020504) 福建省自然科学基金(2019J01135) 福建省STS项目(2021T3069)。
关键词 餐厨厌氧沼渣 焚烧飞灰 污泥生物炭 建筑陶粒 重金属 food waste digestate residues incineration fly ash sludge biochar building ceramsite heavy metals
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