建立了用于描述双端部分端面泵浦板条(Innoslab)激光晶体热源分布的模型。针对700 W双端泵浦Yb∶YAG晶体,利用有限元方法,模拟了晶体在焊接铟层理想和有缺陷状态下的温度分布。理想焊接状态下经模拟得到的晶体表面最高温与实验测得的结果较为一致。借此进一步探究了铟层缺陷尺寸、位置及两相邻缺陷之间距离对晶体温度分布的影响,并对影响程度进行了定量分析。
Objective Benefiting from their unique structures,Innoslab lasers have achieved high power and high beam quality o utput.However,there is still a lot of harmful heat in the laser crystal under the high-power pumping.To obtain an amplification output with high beam quality,the heat in the laser crystal during the laser amplification process must be effectively removed.An indium layer is added between the laser crystal and the heat sink before amplification.During this process,defects such as voids are inevitably introduced,which will inhibit the heat dissipation.Heat is accumulated in the crystal because of defects in the indium layer,resulting in wavefront distortion that leads to poor beam quality and even the crystal fracture due to inhomogeneous thermal stress distribution.Therefore,it is necessary to analyze the effects of defects characteristics on the temperature distribution inside the crystal.In this paper,the influences of the sizes and positions of the indium layer defects and the distance between two adjacent defects on the crystal temperature distribution are quantitatively investigated.Methods In this paper,the effects of the sizes and positions of the indium layer defects and distance between two a djacent defects on the crystal temperature distribution are studied by the finite element method using the COMSOL software.Firstly,the heat source distribution model is obtained based on the distribution of pump light and the absorption characteristics of the crystal,and the temperature distribution inside the crystal is got through the steady-state heat conduction equation.After that,the temperature distribution of the crystal without defects in the indium layer is obtained.Then,circular defects with different sizes,positions and spacings are introduced into the ideal indium layer to obtain the temperature distribution of the laser crystal with defects in the indium layer.The influences of indium layer defects on crystal temperature distribution are obtained by comparing the temperature distribution of t
Huang Yuguang;Gao Yongxi;Guo Jie;Liang Xiaoyan(State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics,Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 201800,China;Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
Chinese Journal of Lasers