在西方叙事作品研究界,“point of view”自20世纪初以来一直是一个核心概念和热门话题。叙事学和文体学都十分关注这一话题。表面上看,两个学派对“point of view”进行了大致相同的探讨,而实际上两者在理念和路径上各行其道且相互排斥。叙事学界在探讨“point of view”时,将其囿于观察者的感知(区分“谁说”和“谁感知”),这种自我限制不合情理。与此相对照,文体学在探讨“point of view”时,聚焦于叙述者(说话者)的立场态度,这种自我限制也造成了很大问题。这两个学派在探讨“point of view”时各自的片面性以及相互之间的排他性还导致了不少理论上的混乱。这也对国内的研究造成了影响。本文在指出以往问题的基础上,对“point of view”提出切合实际的新的界定,旨在通过这一新的界定帮助推进理论探讨的发展并促进跨学科研究,以便对叙事作品进行更好、更为全面的分析。
Since the beginning of the 20th century,“point of view”has remained a core concept and a hot topic in the study of narrative texts,especially prose fiction.Both narratology and stylistics pay much attention to point of view.On the surface,the two disciplines have carried out similar researches,but in effect they take divergent and mutually-exclusive approaches both in theory and in practice.When investigating point of view,narratology confines attention to perception(differentiating“who perceives”from“who says”),a self-confinement that is problematic.In contrast,stylistics,when discussing point of view,limits attention to the stance and attitude of the narrator(the teller),a self-restriction that is likewise undesirable.The respective partiality and mutual exclusivity have led to various kinds of theoretical confusion.Such problems in western academia have also caused adverse effects on studies of point of view in China.The present study reveals existing problems in investigating point of view and offers a new definition of this core concept.The redefinition aims at breaking the self-imposed restrictions,clearing up the relevant problems and contradictions,and promoting interdisciplinary research,so as to gain a better and fuller understanding of point of view in narrative texts.
SHEN Dan(School of Foreign Languages,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)