
网络参与的非理性问题及其理性应对 被引量:1

The Irrational Problems of Network Participation and Their Rational Countermeasures
摘要 社会行为视角下的网络参与,是公民、社会组织、市场主体(企业)、政府、政党等各行动主体在差序格局的网络中,从政治、经济、文化等领域的多向度展开。非理性是网络参与的问题之源,网络参与的非理性问题源自合目的性与合规律性的割离、情感与理智的剥离、实践与价值的偏离,其结果是产生了个体解组型、群体解组型、手段离轨型、规范离轨型等四类问题。网络参与的非理性问题具有五个特征:赋权、分权与超越权力的边界并存,时空分离与脱域下的线上线下紧密联动,矛盾在网络的扩散中引发争鸣,网络的匿名性放大了“经济人”的逐利本性,走向“群体极化”和“沉默螺旋”两个极端。应对网络参与的非理性问题需要理性重建:要善用技术理性,加强网络参与风险研判;讲求辩证理性,尊重网络公民主体地位;坚持价值理性,寻求价值与科学的统一;遵循实践理性,强化网络空间价值引领;培育交往理性,重建网络公民生活世界。 Network participation from the perspective of social behavior refers to the practice that citizens,social organizations,market players(enterprises),governments,political parties,and other action subjects participate from multiple dimensions in the fields of politics,economy,and culture in a network of differential order.Irrationality is the source of the problems of network participation.The irrational problems of network participation originate from the separation of purpose and regularity,the separation of emotion and reason,and the deviation of practice and value,resulting in four types of problems,namely,individual disorganization,group disorganization,means derailment,and standard derailment.The irrational problems of network participation have five characteristics:the coexistence of empowerment,decentralization and transcending the boundaries of power,the separation of time and space and the close linkage between online and offline,conflicts that arouse contention in their spread in the network,and the profit-seeking nature of economic man amplified by the anonymity of the network,which leading to two extremes of group polarization effect and silent spiral effect.To deal with the irrational problems of network participation,rational reconstruction is needed.Therefore,it is necessary to make good use of technical rationality and strengthen the research and judgment of network participation risks;emphasize dialectical rationality and respect the subject status of network citizens;adhere to value rationality and seek the unity of value and science;follow practice rationality;strengthen the value guidance of cyberspace;cultivate the communication rationality and rebuild the life world of cyber citizens.
作者 许一飞 XU Yi-fei(Heilongjiang Province Research Center of Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,Harbin Heilongjiang 150080,China)
出处 《内蒙古社会科学》 北大核心 2023年第1期47-55,共9页 Inner Mongolia Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目“非理性网络参与的社会治理安全风险及防范化解机制研究”(编号:20BKS146) 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目“黑龙江省市域社会治理数字化转型研究”(编号:22KSH086)。
关键词 网络参与 非理性问题 解组 离轨 理性应对 Network Participation Irrational Problems Disorganization Derailment Rational Countermeasures
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