

Rewriting Nazi Germany in Roberto Bolano’s Novels
摘要 智利作家罗贝托·波拉尼奥在《美洲纳粹文学》《遥远的星辰》《2666》等多部小说中以纳粹德国为题材。在这些小说中,作者或是虚构具有法西斯美学偏好、认同纳粹种族主义思想的拉美作家和艺术家,或是重写纳粹德国屠杀犹太人的惨案,对拉美军人独裁政权犯下的罪行、拉美社会潜在的种族主义思想和某些拉美国家政府包庇纳粹战犯的事实进行揭露和批判,以自己的独特风格书写拉丁美洲现实、展现人性之恶。 In certain novels by Roberto Bolano, such as Nazi Literature in the Americas, Distant Star and 2666, Nazi Germany appears as an important theme. In these works, Bolano either fictionalizes Latin American writers and artists who have fascist aesthetic preferences and support Nazi racism, or rewrites the Holocaust, in order to expose and criticize the crimes committed by Latin American military dictatorships, latent racist ideologies within Latin American society, and the historical fact that the governments of some Latin American countries shielded Nazi war criminals. These works exemplify his unique approach to writing about the realities of Latin America and showing the evils of human nature.
作者 张伟劼 Zhang Weijie(School of Foreign Studies,Nanjing University,Nanjing,China,210023)
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期91-97,共7页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
关键词 罗贝托·波拉尼奥 纳粹德国 拉美文学 Roberto Bolano Nazi Germany Latin American literature
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