

How Shared Leadership Affects Team Performance:A Mediation Analysis with MASEM
摘要 共享型领导模式为团队提升绩效提供了新思路。为了探究共享型领导提升团队绩效的中介机制,本文从认知过程、情感过程和行为过程三个视角出发构建了一个多重中介模型,并运用元分析结构方程模型(MASEM),对来自398项实证研究的511个独立效应量(约29607个团队样本)进行了梳理和分析。研究结果表明:团队信心、团队信任和团队学习行为在共享型领导与团队绩效的正向关系中起积极的中介作用;相比于团队信心和团队信任,团队学习行为在中介共享型领导与团队绩效的正向关系中起主导作用。研究结果揭示了共享型领导对于团队绩效的影响机理,为实践管理者提升团队绩效贡献了新思路,并为未来研究指明了方向。 Purpose:In the context of inereaxingly compex and changeabhe extemal environment and inereasingly fere competlion,en.terprises have put foward higher requirements for the perlommane improvement of inlemal teams.As a new type af leadership mo-del that adivoates the sharing of laderdhip fundtions and respansibilities among tean members,shared leaderdip shows mare ad.vantlages in improving tean perlommanoe when compared wih the trditional verial leaderdip.Alhough the peive relaionshipsearh cansensis has not yet reached regarling"how shared ledership afeds team pefommane"and"which mediational mecharism plys au primay role in this rlationsdhip".Therefare,to fl these reearch gaps,the caurent study deloped and examineda muliple medliation modiel of shared leadership and tean peformance.Methodology:Mea-alyie truetual guation molelig(MASEM),an aivaned methodlgy that conmbining mela-analyie techniques and struclural equalion modeling,was used in this paper to tes our hypothesized model and researh questions.First,we conducted edensive daltabae and manual searches to obtain sufficient reearch samples(primary-level dudie).Then,we develbped four inchsion crieria to seen the samples btained.Our final sumple onsisted of 5ll independent efet sizes ex-tracded frm 382 empirieal papers(398 independet studies,N=29607 gaups).On this hais,mela-analytis tehnique wer:ursed o eneodle,coret and agegle he efed sies to obain a orelalin matri,which was then use fr pah alyis n theMpl:8.3.Findings:The empirieal resuls of this shidy provide mela-analytie support for the peitive medating roles of team confi-dene,team tnst and team leaming behavior on the relationship belween shared leadership and team perfomane.In addition,when campared with team confidence and team trust,team learning behavior acunts more for the peitive relationdhip belweenshared leadeship and team performance.Value:The curent study makes several theore ical contibutions to the shared ladership lierahure.Fist,this paper adivancestheshared ladehip hery by ideling muliple mediai
作者 陈伟 张均辉 张逸琳 Wei Chen;Junhui Zhang;Yilin Zhang(School of Economics and Management,Harbin Engineering Universily;School of Economics and Management,Harbin University of Science and Technology)
出处 《管理学季刊》 2022年第3期26-48,130,131,共25页 Quarterly Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金“面向AI的用户偏好与信任研究:基于任务结构化程度和信息解释水平的视角”(72001056) 黑龙江省自然科学基金“双重战略耦合视角下的区域知识产权协调与军民融合”(LH2021G008) 黑龙江省哲学社会科学基金“新形势下黑龙江省制造业转型升级路径与政策体系研究”(20GYB041) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金“双重网络互动对船舶工业企业突破性创新的影响机制研究”(3072021CFW0913)的资助。
关键词 共享型领导 团队绩效 多重中介模型 元分析结构方程模型 shared ledehip team pefrmance muliplk eliaio mode MASEM
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