The article applies Bourdieu’s capital theory to unify the motives of individual cultural participation and empirically compares the complex effects and structural differences of economic, social and cultural capital on individual cultural participation using the Ordered-Probit model and coefficient clustering methods. The results of the study show that there are rich types and levels of cultural participation in China, but the overall level is not high and there are large differences between urban and rural areas. In addition to income and education factors, social networks and interactions have significant effects on residents’ cultural participation at all types and levels. The spouse’s education level has a more comprehensive effect on individual cultural participation compared to the father’s education level. Cultural capital plays a dominant role in individual cultural participation, social capital has a stronger influence on audiovisual and activity participation, and economic capital has a stronger influence on personality participation. The findings reveal the current capital incentive structure of cultural participation of Chinese residents and give a new meaning to the public cultural policy response domain.
Wei Yong;Yan Tingting
Library Science Research & Work