随着激光焊接、电弧焊接等技术的进步,相关的复合焊接技术得到了更多的研究与应用。目前,激光-熔化极惰性气体(Metal Inert-Gas,MIG)复合焊在车门、顶棚以及侧维等车身制造中得到了广泛应用,且有广阔的发展空间。文章在研究激光-MIG复合焊相关概念的基础上,分析激光-MIG复合焊的焊接速度在车身制造中的实际应用情况,并探究如何通过合理调整速度来提高车身制造中焊接工作的效率与质量。
With the progress of laser welding, arc welding and other technologies, the related composite welding technology also began to get more research and application. At present, laser-Metal Inert-Gas(MIG) composite welding has been widely used in car door, ceiling, side dimension and other car body manufacturing, and there is still more room for development. Based on this,based on the study of laser-MIG composite welding related concepts, this paper mainly studies the application of this technology in body manufacturing from the perspective of welding speed, and analyzes how to improve the efficiency and quality of welding work in body manufacturing through reasonable adjustment of speed.
ZHANG Yu(Wuxi Transportation College,Jiangsu Union Technical Institute,Wuxi 214000)
Modern Manufacturing Technology and Equipment