
江西省抚州市2021年白纹伊蚊生态学、抗药性监测及卫生杀虫剂使用状况调查 被引量:5

Surveillance of Aedes albopictus ecology,insecticide resistance,and investigation on hygienic insecticides application in Fuzhou city,Jiangxi province,China in 2021
摘要 目的 掌握江西省抚州市白纹伊蚊种群密度、季节消长及对常用杀虫剂的抗药性水平,结合卫生杀虫剂用药情况调查,为合理使用杀虫剂、科学防控登革热疫情提供依据。方法 2021年5-10月在抚州市3个城区的居民区、公园和建筑工地3类生境开展伊蚊密度调查,成蚊采用双层叠帐法,幼蚊采用布雷图指数(BI)法和勺捕法;6-7月在抚州市3个城区不同方位采集野外白纹伊蚊幼虫和成蚊带回实验室混合饲养至F1代,采用世界卫生组织推荐的幼虫浸渍法和成蚊接触筒法,通过SPSS 22.0软件回归分析中的Probit法计算得到半数致死浓度(LC50)和回归方程,以评价其对卫生杀虫剂的抗性水平;通过现场查看及访问填表的形式获取抚州市城区各级爱国卫生部门、疾病预防控制机构及有害生物防制公司等近3年卫生杀虫剂的使用情况。结果 2021年抚州市城区白纹伊蚊平均帐诱指数为0.83只/(顶·h),BI值平均为1.83,成蚊和幼蚊密度季节消长趋势基本一致,在6和8月呈现双峰变化;白纹伊蚊成蚊对高效氯氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯、氯菊酯均产生一定的抗药性,对残杀威、马拉硫磷和杀螟硫磷表现为敏感;幼蚊对氯氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯、残杀威表现为不同程度的抗药性,抗性倍数在5.58~68.06倍,对双硫磷敏感;抚州市城区2019-2021年共使用19种卫生杀虫剂,以含有效成分为拟除虫菊酯类的杀虫剂为主,分别占比为83.33%、70.00%和80.00%;按使用量统计,卫生杀虫剂3年总用药量分别为6 653.00、5 351.40和5 893.00 kg,均以拟除虫菊酯类、有机磷类及其混合制剂为主,占总量的75.15%~85.17%;有机磷类颗粒剂多用于蚊、蝇幼虫的防治,拟除虫菊酯类多用于蚊、蝇成虫的防治,常与氨基甲酸酯类或有机磷类混合搭配使用。结论 应加强白纹伊蚊密度消长情况和抗药性监测,减少已产生高度抗性的拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的使用量,� Objective To investigate Aedes albopictus in Fuzhou city, Jiangxi province, China in terms of population density, seasonal variation, and resistance to commonly used insecticides, and to provide a basis for rational use of insecticides and scientific prevention and control of dengue fever epidemic with reference to the current status of the application of hygienic insecticides. Methods In May to October of 2021, the population density of Aedes was monitored in the three habitats of residential area, park, and construction site in three districts of Fuzhou;the double mosquito net method was used for adult mosquitoes, and Breteau index(BI) and the dipping method were used for larval mosquitoes. In June and July, adult and larval Ae. albopictus mosquitoes were collected in the field at different locations of three districts in Fuzhou and were then reared to F1 generation in the laboratory;the larval dipping method and the adult mosquito contact tube method recommended by the WHO were used, and the Probit method in SPSS 22.0regression analysis was used to obtain median lethal concentration(LC50) and regression equation to evaluate the level of resistance to hygienic insecticides. The methods of on-site inspection and questionnaire survey were used to obtain the information on the application of hygienic insecticides by patriotic health campaign committees and centers for disease control and prevention at all levels, and pest control operation enterprises in the past three years. Results The mean net trap index was 0.83 mosquitoes/trap·hour, and the mean BI value was 1.83 in the urban areas of Fuzhou in 2021. The density of density of adult and larval Ae. albopictus mosquitoes showed a similar trend of season variation with two peaks in June and August. Adult Ae. albopictus mosquitoes showed a certain level of resistance to beta-cypermethrin,deltamethrin, and permethrin, and were sensitive to propoxur, malathion, and fenitrothion;larval Ae. albopictus mosquitoes showed varying degrees of resistance to cypermethrin, b
作者 江汉鹏 饶志云 凌春燕 杨兴华 谢军 JIANG Han-peng;RAO Zhi-yun;LING Chun-yan;YANG Xing-hua;XIE Jun(Department of Vector Control and Disinfection,Fuzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Fuzhou,Jiangxi 344000,China)
出处 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第6期828-833,共6页 Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control
关键词 白纹伊蚊 抗药性 密度监测 卫生杀虫剂 Aedes albopictus Insecticide resistance Density monitoring Hygienic insecticide
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