
美国极右翼保守派的亲俄倾向及其影响 被引量:1

The Sympathy with Russia of the American Far-Right Conservatives and Its Influence
摘要 虽然大多数美国人长期对俄罗斯持负面看法,但美国仍然存在不少亲俄势力,主要是以特朗普为代表的极右翼群体。特朗普当选总统后,极右翼的亲俄倾向在美国外交中有多种表现。俄乌冲突爆发后,美国极右翼继续为俄罗斯和普京辩护。极右翼亲俄的根源主要在于美国国内政治而非国际政治,即他们把俄罗斯和普京看作“白人父权制基督教价值观”的同盟与捍卫者,将美国的自由派、民主党以及拜登政府视为“比俄罗斯更可怕的威胁与敌人”,这与欧洲极右翼亲俄的原因非常相似。迄今为止,美国亲俄派的规模和影响力相对有限,美俄之间的结构性矛盾根深蒂固,亲俄派在美国政坛尚未占优势。在可预见的未来,极右翼在美国政治中的影响力可能会呈增强趋势,其亲俄倾向可能对美国的外交政策产生更大影响。 Most Americans have long-held negative views of Russia though there exist substantial amounts of Russophiles in the U.S.,which falls into far-right group represented by Donald Trump in recent years.The far right expanded rapidly to influence U.S.foreign policy after Trump's inauguration in 2016,continuing to defend Russia and Putin since the outbreak of Russia-Ukraine war.The far right being sympathetic to Russia stems from U.S.domestic rather than international politics.Out of similar reason with that of the far-right pro-Russian force in Europe,they consider Russia and Putin as an ally in defending white patriarchal Christian values,while regarding the liberal Democratic Party and the Biden administration as pressing threat.The size and influence of Russophiles in the U.S.remains limited so far,mainly due to the deep-rooted strategic contradiction between the U.S.and Russia as well as the fact that they have not yet gained the upper hand in U.S.politics.However,in the foreseeable future,the influence of the far right in the U.S.is probably to increase,and their pro-Russia slant could have a greater impact on U.S.foreign policy.
作者 付随鑫 FU Suixin
出处 《当代美国评论》 CSSCI 2022年第3期106-125,130,共21页 Contemporary American Review
关键词 美俄关系 俄乌冲突 美国极右翼 “文化战争” 特朗普 U.S.-Russia Relations Russia-Ukraine Conflict U.S.Far Right Culture War Trump
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