
延安时期中国共产党卫生防疫宣传教育的历史经验及当代启示——以《解放日报》为中心的考察 被引量:2

The Historical Experience and Contemporary Enlightenment of the Health and Epidemic Prevention Publicity Education of the Communist Party of China in Yan'an Period-Taking Jiefang Daily as the investigation center
摘要 延安时期,宣传与教育是党领导陕甘宁边区人民开展卫生防疫工作的重中之重。由于社会经济落后、群众卫生习惯较差、整体卫生教育滞后等诸多历史和现实的原因,边区卫生防疫工作面临着前所未有的严峻形势:一是疫病频发,人畜两不兴;二是迷信盛行,信巫不信医;三是医疗紧缺,供求不对称,严重制约着边区经济社会的发展,威胁着边区群众生命安全和身体健康。当时的《解放日报》作为中国共产党中央委员会机关报,是在毛泽东亲自谋划、部署和关心下创办的,也是党在民主革命时期创办的第一张大型日报,影响力甚广。对《解放日报》关于卫生防疫工作的宣传报道及内容进行分析,可见中国共产党及其领导的陕甘宁边区政府为了改变群众卫生习惯差、人畜大量死亡等情况,向群众普及卫生健康知识,宣传科学战疫的方法与理念,教育群众摒弃迷信思想与做法,总结出党在卫生防疫宣传教育工作中的三条历史经验:一是坚持党对宣传工作的领导,创造社会各界共同防疫的舆论环境;二是坚持宣传教育工作的群众路线总体方针,创建全民防疫的现实环境;三是坚持相信科学、重视中医的宣传导向,营造战胜疫病的精神环境。联系当前新冠肺炎疫情防控宣传教育的中国话语和叙事体系尚未完全建成,个别媒体及报道偏离群众路线,公共卫生人才危机等实际情况,提炼出三点启示:一是全面加强党对宣传工作领导,掌握疫情防控宣传的领导权、话语权和主动权;二是坚持以人民为中心立场,以伟大抗疫精神凝聚主流价值认同;三是大力发展医学教育,培养新时代高素质公共卫生人才。以期用历史映照现实、远观未来,从党领导人民在延安时期开展卫生防疫宣传教育工作中看清楚过去为什么能够成功、弄明白当前和未来疫情防控宣传教育中怎样才能继续成功,从而在新的征 In Yan’an period,publicity and education were the top priority of health and epidemic prevention in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region.Due to many historical and practical reasons such as backward social economy,poor health habits of the people and backward overall health education,the health and epidemic prevention work in the border region faced an unprecedented grim situation.The first was the frequent occurrence of epidemics and the massive deaths of people and livestock.Second,superstition prevailed,i.e.,people believed witches but not doctors.Third,the shortage of medical care and the asymmetry of supply and demand seriously restricted the economic and social development of the border region,and threatened the lives and health of the people in the region.Jiefang Daily,as the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,was personally planned,deployed and cared to publish by Mao Zedong.It was also the first large daily newspaper published by the Party during the democratic revolution and had a wide influence.Through the analysis of Jiefang Daily's reports on the health and epidemic prevention work in Yan'an Period,it is easy to see,in order to change the poor health habits of the masses and the death of a large number of people and livestock,the Communist Party of China and the government popularized health knowledge to the masses,propagated scientific methods and ideas of fighting the epidemic,educated the masses to give up superstitious thoughts and practices.Three historical lessons are worth drawing:First,adhering to the core leadership of the Party's publicity work to create a public opinion environment for all sectors of society to jointly have epidemic prevention;second,adhering to the mass line of publicity and education to create a realistic environment for epidemic prevention;third,adhering to the publicity orientation of believing in science and attaching importance to traditional Chinese medicine to create a spiritual environment to overcome the epidemic disease.
作者 罗智凯 刘宗灵 LUO Zhikai;LIU Zongling(School of Marxism,Sichuan Vocational College of Health and Rehabilitation,Zigong 643000,China;School of Marxism,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,China)
出处 《四川轻化工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第5期20-37,共18页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering:Social Sciences Edition
基金 全国红色基因传承研究中心重点课题(22ZXHYZ06) 教育部人文社科基金后期资助项目(21JHQ022) 四川卫生康复职业学院重点课题(CWKY2022Z06)。
关键词 延安时期 中国共产党 卫生防疫 宣传教育 经验启示 解放日报 陕甘宁边区 Yan'an Period the Communist Party of China health and epidemic prevention publicity and education experience and inspiration Jiefang Daily Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border region
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