The antenna far-field measurement is widely used in the performance measurement of satellite communication antenna. The standard horn antenna of different frequency band will be used in the measurement of different frequency band, which involves the problem of replacing the standard horn antenna quickly. The paper introduces the rotary table structure of a standard horn antenna, which has the ability to adjust the azimuth, elevation and polarization axis, and is easy to replace quickly, and the structure composition, transmission mode and parameter design of worm gear and worm are introduced in detail.By weight estimation, transmission efficiency, and torque calculations, the operator can easily rotate the azimuth, pitch, and polarization component systems. The rotary table adopts worm gear transmission mode, with large transmission ratio, smooth transmission, compact structure, no noise, self-locking. The test process can check the rotation Angle and other characteristics. The standard horn antenna’s rotary table can meet the antenna gain, Antenna direction map, G/T value, shaft ratio and other performance test requirement to verify the indicator performance of the antenna.For the performance test of different frequency bands of the antenna, the standard horn antenna can be quickly replaced within 1 minute, and applied in practice, providing a convenient and efficient measurement solution for the verification of satellite communication antenna performance index.
LI Yulong(Xi'an Clarke Communication Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an 710100,China)
Space Electronic Technology
worm gear and worm
structural design