Information storage relies on the fast and reversible memory devices,which can read and write data easily with low energy input.In addition,in order to pursue high data storage density and miniatur-izing device size,low-dimensional materials with large area to volume ratio would be preferable.Up to date,there are already a lot of explorations of two-dimensional functional material based devices with interesting phase transitions.According to Ginzburg-Landau theory,phase transition occurs when order parameter changes,under external stimuli such as temperature,electric field,or external stress.Other than these,novel phase transition mechan-isms under low-frequency light irradiation has been recently pro-posed.The light frequency is below the corresponding energy bandgap of the semiconductors,which intuitively has very small scattering cross sections.However,according to thermodynamic theory,there could have light-matter interactions.Geometric struc-ture can be changed and manipulated under light illumination.If ion displacements are strong enough,phase transition could occur.This optically driven phase transition approach requires no direct contacts with the sample,so that this procedure is easily controlled.In this mini-review,we briefly summarize the basic theory,computational predictions and some very recent experiments on low-frequency light induced phase transition in various systems.
This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program(Grant No.2019YFA0210600)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.21903063 and 11974270,and the Young Talent Startup Program of Xi’an Jiaotong University.