

Application of Milieu Teaching Model in Children’s Language Rehabilitation Intervention
摘要 情景模式常用于普通儿童或成人的语言训练,在语言发育迟缓儿童的康复训练中还未广泛应用。开展情景模式下的儿童语言康复干预,可促进儿童在日常互动中融入语言和交流机会,在情境中学习语言并练习新技能,最大限度增加语言学习和技能泛化的机会。本文从我国语言发育迟缓干预的概况、情景模式的内涵和在语言教学中的运用出发,探讨情景模式在语言康复干预中的应用。 The milieu teaching model is commonly used in language-related training for typically developing children or adults, but has not been widely used in rehabilitation training for children with developmental language delay. Carrying out children’s language rehabilitation under milieu teaching model increases the opportunity to integrate language and social communication into daily interaction. Learning language and practicing new skills in milieu maximize opportunities for language advancement and skill generalization. This paper discusses the application of the milieu teaching model in language rehabilitation intervention, based on the prevalence of language delay in China, the connotation of the milieu teaching model and the use of the milieu teaching model in language teaching.
作者 郝燕 唐丽娜 HAO Yan;TANG Li-na
出处 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2022年第5期321-323,共3页 Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
关键词 语言发育迟缓 情景模式 康复干预 Developmental language delay Milieu teaching model Rehabilitation intervention
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