
河北省助理全科医生培训基地评估情况及对策建议 被引量:6

Assistant General Practitioner Training Bases in Hebei Province:the Assessment and Recommendations for Improvement
摘要 背景助理全科医生培训是我国现阶段加强农村基层全科医生队伍建设的重要补充,河北省已连续开展5年助理全科医生培训工作。规范助理全科医生培训基地建设、确保培训质量,是提高我省农村基层医疗卫生服务水平的重要环节。目的了解2020年河北省助理全科医生培训基地评估情况,分析基地建设过程中存在的问题,并提出针对性的政策建议。方法于2020年7月27—31日,对河北省23家助理全科医生培训基地进行评估。主要评估依据为中国医师协会制定的《助理全科医生培训基地评估指标》,评估内容包括基本条件、培训管理、师资队伍、过程管理、质量控制、保障措施6个方面。同时,在每家基地随机抽取2~3名学员开展问卷调查,内容包括学员的一般情况、对助理全科医生培训的了解度、对助理全科医生培训的满意度、对助理全科医生执业前景的看法及农村执业意愿。结果23家基地中,15家(65.2%)合格,8家(34.8%)基本合格,无不合格基地。13家(56.5%)基地尚未独立设置全科医学科,11家(47.8%)基地的教学查房次数达标且落实规范,10家(43.5%)基地开展的小讲课和病例讨论次数达标且落实规范,8家(34.8%)基地2019年首次助理执业医师考试通过率≥85%,12家(52.2%)基地2019年首次助理全科医生结业考核通过率≥85%。共对50例在培学员开展问卷调查,对轮转科室设置满意者45例(90.0%)、对培训内容设置满意者45例(90.0%),对临床培训基地满意者46例(92.0%),对基层实践基地满意者43例(86.0%),对教学师资满意者47例(94.0%);认为助理全科医生执业前景较好者39例(78.0%);愿意到农村地区执业者26例(52.0%)。合格基地、基本合格基地学员的年龄、对助理全科医生培训相关政策了解度、对基层实践基地的满意度比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论河北省助理全科医生培训基地的全科医学科独立设置率� Background As an important supplement for strengthening the development of general practitioners(GPs)workforce in primary care in China's rural areas,the training for assistant GPs has been carried out in Hebei Province for five consecutive years.Standardizing the construction of the bases for training assistant GPs,and ensuring the quality of the training are key measures to improve the quality of primary care services in Hebei rural areas.Objective To understand the assessment of Hebei's assistant GP training bases in 2020,and put forward policy suggestions targeting the existing problems.Methods We conducted this study during July 27 to 31,2020.We assessed the 23 assistant GP training bases in Hebei using the Assistant General Practitioner Training Base Assessment System developed by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association,involving general condition,training management,faculty team,process management,quality control and supporting measures.We also conducted a questionnaire survey with trainees randomly selected from these bases(two or three trainees chosen from each base)for understanding their socio-demographics,understanding of the training,satisfaction with the training,attitudes on the career prospect of an assistant GP,and level of intention to work in rural areas.Results The rates of qualified,basically qualified and unqualified bases were 65.2%(15/23),34.8%(8/23),and 0,respectively.Thirteen 13 bases(56.5%)had not yet set up an independent general medicine department;11 bases(47.8%)had qualified teaching rounds assessed in terms of number and implementation standards;10 bases(43.5%)carried out small lectures and case discussions appropriately assessed in terms of number and implementation standards.The rate of passing the national Assistant Physician Licensing Examination once was≥85%in 2019 for trainees in 8 bases(34.8%).The rate of passing the completion examination at the end of the training conducted for the first time in all bases in 2019 was≥85%for trainees in 12 bases(52.2%).A total of 50 trai
作者 张敏 宋世彬 李术君 张金佳 钱卫国 周志山 王荣英 ZHANG Min;SONG Shibin;LI Shujun;ZHANG Jinjia;QIAN Weiguo;ZHOU Zhishan;WANG Rongying(General Practice Department,the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University,Shijiazhuang 050000,China;Department of Scientific Education and International Cooperation,Health Commission of Hebei Province,Shijiazhuang 050000,China;Hebei Medical Doctor Association General Practitioner Branch,Shijiazhuang 050000,China)
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第28期3544-3549,共6页 Chinese General Practice
基金 河北省政府资助课题研究项目(361004)。
关键词 全科医生 助理全科医生 教育 医学 培训基地 评估结果 河北 General practitioners Assistant general practitioners Education,medical Training base Evaluation results Hebei
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