
由禁政而外交:清季吗啡进口管制政策的形成 被引量:6

From Domestic Regulation to Drug Diplomacy:the Formulation of Morphine Imports Control in the Last Years of the Qing Dynasty
摘要 19世纪70年代,医疗传教士和欧美制药公司把吗啡引入中国用作戒烟药品。吗啡的扩散和滥用,推动了时人关于吗啡之害的讨论。甲午战后上海知县等地方官员在士绅的禀请下颁布了管制吗啡的公告。但吗啡来自外洋且多由洋人经售,禁政由此成为外交问题。庚子事变后,吗啡进口管制在清政府的提议下被写入修订后的中外商约。但列强的设限阻碍了清政府实施禁政,外商进口吗啡时也屡滋争议,吗啡进口管制条款迫切需要再议。经过曲折谈判,清政府和英国等列强议定吗啡进口管制新政策并于1909年开始施行。清季吗啡的扩散是医疗传教、西方制药公司商业扩张和清政府禁毒运动等因素共同作用的结果。曲折成形的吗啡进口管制政策和中外交涉,凸显了清政府在列强霸权和中外不对等权力格局下的挣扎。 Medical missionaries and the western pharmaceutical companies introduced morphine into China as a cure for opiuma ddiction in the 1870s. The proliferation of morphine and its misuse promoted a discussion on its harms. To respond to appeals from gentries after the First Sino-Japanese War(1894-1895), the Magistrate of Shanghai and local officials in other places issued regulations to control the use of morphine. However, morphine was imported into China by foreigners at the time, so regulating morphine became a diplomatic issue in China. After the end of the Boxer Rebellion, the policy of morphine imports control was included into the revised commercial treaties as proposed by the Qing government.However, the implementation of this policy turned out to be difficult due to the noncooperation from big powers. In addition, conflicts emerged frequently regarding morphine importation by foreign businessmen. Under such circumstances,the regulation on morphine imports control had to be revised. After marathon negotiations, the Qing government and Britain and other big powers agreed upon a new policy on morphine imports control, which took into effect in 1909.Several factors together contributed to morphine proliferation during the late Qing dynasty, including activities of medical missionaries in China, the business expansion of the western pharmaceutical companies and the narcotic drugs suppression campaign launched by the Qing government. The emergence of the morphine imports control policy and relevant negotiations between China and big powers shed light on the struggling of the Qing government in face of the hegemonic power of foreign countries.
作者 黄运 Huang Yun
出处 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期103-114,M0004,共13页 Modern Chinese History Studies
基金 上海市浦江人才项目“鸦片之外:晚清民国时期精制毒品的消费、供应和管制”(21PJC060) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“国际禁毒史(多卷本)”(18ZDA215)的阶段性成果。
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