Network security involves public interest, including national interest, groupment personal information rights, children’s rights, and so on. However, network security is not embedded in publicinterest lawsuit of current legislation. Future legislation of public-interest lawsuit should include network security, because this not only accord with the purpose of public-interest lawsuit, but also strengthen the private and public protection of network security. To integrate network security into the protection area in the public-interest lawsuit, theory of legislation and theory of interpretation are a means to achieve the target.Now, we can use literal Interpretation,logical explanation and value supplement to apply current law of public-interest lawsuit upon the feature of network security. In the future, we should improve legislation of public-interest lawsuit, including to specify conditions of prosecution, prosecution subject and claims. The legislation of public-interest lawsuit about network security is a special law towards public-interest lawsuit law. Through the instrument of special law and general law, network security can be heavily protected.
Journal of Shanghai University of Political Science & Law(The Rule of Law Forum)
Network Security
Public-Interest Lawsuit
Theory of Interpretation
Theory of Legislation