
40份黍稷种质资源芽苗期抗旱性评价及耐旱资源筛选 被引量:1

Evaluation of Drought Resistance in Germination and Seedling Stages of 40 Broomcorn Millet Germplasm Resources and Screening of Drought Tolerant Resources
摘要 为了解我国不同地区以及国内外黍稷种质资源的抗旱性,筛选耐旱种质资源,选择40份黍稷资源为试验材料,以PEG-6000溶液模拟干旱胁迫,开展黍稷芽期和苗期的抗旱性鉴定试验,通过测定胁迫组与对照组的发芽势、发芽率、根长、苗长、根鲜质量、苗鲜质量、根干质量、苗干质量和叶绿素含量等指标,运用隶属函数平均值法、聚类分析法以及主成分分析法对样本材料进行综合抗旱评价。结果表明,以芽期聚类分析结果为依据,筛选出1个一级高抗品种,1个二级中抗品种,其余均为三级低抗品种;以苗期聚类分析结果为依据,筛选出一级高抗品种2个、二级中抗品种17个、三级低抗品种21个;以隶属函数平均值为依据,按照逐级分类法将黍稷抗旱性划分为3级,筛选出一级高抗品种9个、二级中抗品种19个、三级低抗品种12个;对黍稷芽苗期各指标进行相关性分析显示,黍稷各生长时期抗旱指标间的相关性不显著。最后依据平均值-标准差逐级分级法,筛选出巴盟黑糜子(00002340)、本地糜子(00003144)、金守黍(00004198)、黍子(00006253)、贺兰大红(00007297)、雁北天糜(00007361)、吉林黍(00007629)、外引黍4号(00007667)、嫩黍23(00007832)等9个抗旱性较强的品种,其可作为后续抗旱育种选育及其他抗旱性研究的资源材料。 In order to understand the drought resistance of broomcorn millet germplasm resources in different regions of China and at home and abroad, screen drought tolerant germplasm resources, in this study, 40 broomcorn millet germplasm resources were selected as experimental materials and PEG-6000 solution was used to simulate drought stress. The drought resistance test of broomcorn millet germination and seedling stages was carried out. By measuring the indexes such as germination potential, germination rate, root length, seedling length, root fresh weight, seedling fresh weight, root dry weight,seedling dry weight, and chlorophyll content of the stress groups and the control group. Average value of subordinate function method, cluster analysis method, and principal component analysis method were used to comprehensively evaluate drought resistance of samples. The results showed that based on the results of cluster analysis at germination stage, 1 first-class high resistance variety, 1 second-class medium resistance variety were selected and the rest were all third-class low resistance varieties. Based on the results of cluster analysis at seedling stage, 2 first-class varieties with high resistance, 17 second-class varieties with medium resistance, and 21 third-class seeds with low resistance were selected. According to the average value of subordinate function, the drought resistance of broomcorn millet was divided into three grades according to the classification method step by step, and 9 first-class varieties with high resistance, 19 second-class varieties with medium resistance, and 12 third-class varieties with low resistance were selected. The correlation analysis of indexes at germination and seedling stages showed that the correlation of drought resistance at different growth stages was not obvious. Finally, according to the meanstandard deviation grading method, 9 varieties with strong drought resistance including Bayannaoer black millet(00002340), local millet(00003144), Jinshoushu millet(00004198), Millet(
作者 郑婷婷 赵丽红 王海岗 陈凌 王熠 乔治军 王瑞云 ZHENG Tingting;ZHAO Lihong;WANG Haigang;CHEN Ling;WANG Yi;QIAO Zhijun;WANG Ruiyun(College of Agriculture,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030801,China;Center for Agricultural Genetic Resources Research,Shanxi Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resources and Germplasm Enhancement on Loess Plateau,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Shanxi Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Genetic Improvement of Minor Crops,Taiyuan 030031,China;College of Plant Protection,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030801,China)
出处 《山西农业科学》 2022年第7期954-964,共11页 Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
基金 现代农业产业技术体系专项(CARS-06-14.5-A16) 国家自然科学基金项目(31271791) 山西省自然科学基金项目(201901D11126)。
关键词 黍稷 芽期 苗期 PEG-6000 抗旱性 broomcorn millet germination stage seedling stage PEG-6000 drought resistance
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