
中国共产党百年农村学前教育政策的历史逻辑 被引量:3

The Historical Logic of the Centennial Rural Preschool Education Policy of the Communist Party of China
摘要 一百年来,中国共产党在不同历史时期出台了不同内容的农村学前教育政策。在新时代背景下,对百年农村学前教育政策进行研究,有助于更深刻地理解中国共产党的百年奋斗历程,也可为未来农村学前教育发展提供借鉴与思考。中国共产党成立以来,农村学前教育政策历经了“幼有所护”的萌芽期、“幼有所托”的生长期、从“全幼有托”到“幼无所托”的波折期、“幼有园(班)入”的复兴期、“幼难入园”的无力期、“幼应有育”的调整期、“幼有所育”的规范期七个阶段。这一过程中,党的领导和各阶段国家战略是其发展的关键影响力量。各阶段中,教育方针、城乡关系、儿童权利、妇女角色的变化也发挥着重要的影响作用。进入新时代,农村学前教育已成为国家战略重点,并逐渐回归教育的本体价值。未来发展中,小环境驱动力将发挥主要作用。为进一步促进农村学前教育发展,未来政策应在农村幼儿养育支援服务体系构建、城乡一体化幼师队伍建设、农村学前教育质量监管机制建构上予以支持和指导。 Over the past one hundred years, the Communist Party of China has introduced different rural preschool education policies in different historical periods.Under the background of the new era, research on the centennial rural preschool education policy will not only help us to better understand the centennial course of struggle of the Communist Party of China from another dimension, but also provide policy reference and comtemplation for the future development of rural preschool education.Since the founding of CPC, the rural pre-school education policy has gone through seven stages: embryonic period of “protecting children”, growth period of “caretaking children”, from “caretaking for all children” to “unavailability of child caretaking”, reviving period of “children enjoying kindergarten opportunities, incompetent period of lack of sufficient kindergartens”, readjustment period of “children getting education”, and standard period of “children enjoying education”. In this process, the leadership of the Party and the national strategy at all stages are the key forces affecting its development.In various stages, changes in educational policy, urban-rural relations, children’s rights, and women’s role also play their respective significant role.In the new era, rural preschool education has become a national strategic main focus, and gradually returns to the ontology value of education.The driving force for the development of small and medium environments in the future will play a major role. In order to further promote the development of rural preschool education, future policies should provide support and guidance in the construction of rural early childhood nurturing support service system, the construction of urban and rural integrated preschool teacher system, and the construction of rural preschool education quality supervision mechanism.
作者 孙雪荧 SUN Xue-ying(Faculty of Education,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715)
出处 《民族教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期16-28,共13页 Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities
基金 2021年度重庆市社会科学规划“研究阐释党的十九届六中全会精神”专项项目“中国共产党农村学前教育百年奋斗的重大成就与未来发展战略”(项目编号:2021YBCS47) 2019年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金西部和边疆地区项目“西部农村薄弱学校‘扶智工程’研究”(项目编号:19XJC880008)的阶段性成果。
关键词 中国共产党 农村学前教育政策 百年历程 历史逻辑 Communist Party of China rural preschool education policy centennial history historical logic
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