
多无人机高速公路巡逻任务规划方法 被引量:4

Task Planning Method for Multi-UAV Expressway Patrol
摘要 定期巡逻高速公路交通状况和疏导堵塞道路至关重要。由于无人机同时具有远程自主飞行、道路抓拍、定点悬停和实时语音通信等功能,使得无人机巡逻高速公路相比于传统的交通巡逻模式有诸多优势。针对无人机编队在高速公路交通巡逻的应用,定义了一种新的问题,即多站点固定终点的多旅行商问题(Multi-Depot Fixed Destination Multi Travelling Salesman Problem,MD-FD-MTSP)。该问题在考虑了实际巡逻过程中无人机续航能力、道路路网约束和巡逻任务的异构性后,以无人机编队执行所有异构巡逻任务的总路径最短为目标,完成无人机编队的任务规划。设计了一种改进的单亲遗传算法(Improved Partheno-Genetic Algorithm,IPGA)求解MD-FD-MTSP模型。数值实验结果表明,该算法可以快速求得高质量的无人机巡逻任务规划方案。 It is very important to patrol the traffic condition of expressways regularly and dredge the blocked roads.Compared with the traditional traffic patrol mode,multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)used in expressways traffic patrol has many advantages,because it has the functions of remote autonomous flighting,road snapshotting,fixed-point hovering flight and real-time voice communicating.For the application of multi-UAVs in expressways traffic patrol,a new problem is defined,namely the Multi-Depot Fixed Destination Multi Traveling Salesman Problem(MD-FD-MTSP).This problem needs to consider the endurance of UAV,road network constraints and heterogeneity of patrol tasks in the actual patrol process,and aim at the shortest total path of all heterogeneous patrol tasks of UAV formation to complete the task planning of UAV formation.Accordingly,an improved partheno-genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the MD-FD-MTSP model.The numerical experiment results show that this algorithm can quickly compute high-quality solutions for the problem.
作者 项芮 朱默宁 徐丽 XIANG Rui;ZHU Moning;XU Li(School of Management,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009,China;Anhui U-Said Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd., Hefei 230088,China;Intelligent Interconnected Systems Laboratory of Anhui Province, Hefei 230009,China)
出处 《无线电工程》 北大核心 2022年第7期1222-1230,共9页 Radio Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71971075)。
关键词 无人机 自主巡逻 任务规划 遗传算法 旅行商问题 UAV autonomous patrol task planning genetic algorithm traveling salesman problem
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