
筑实“蓝色粮仓”推进大连渔业经济高质量发展 被引量:4

Build ‘Marine Granary’ to Promote High Quality Development of Dalian Fishery Economy
摘要 大连市是我国北方重要的渔业增养殖基地和水产品供给基地,在辽宁渔业生产中占据绝对优势,但大连海水养殖产出效益低于隔海相望的胶东经济圈5城市。大连渔业发展与需求之间的矛盾既有新旧生产方式转换问题,也有产业调整管理缺位问题,距离现代渔业要求的信息化、智能化、高生产率、低管理成本仍有较大差距。打造现代渔业新模式成为大连市建设“蓝色粮仓”的必然选择,这需要做好几个方面的调整。产业调整方面,转换传统渔业生产模式,发展碳汇渔业,做好渔业一、二、三产业融合发展;生产方式上,巩固大连渔业养殖优势的同时,发展陆基、深远海养殖;科技方面,加快科技创新,开展智慧渔业示范工作,推进智能技术在渔业养殖上的推广应用;金融保险领域,推动海洋金融参与海洋与渔业发展和资源环境保护,完善渔业生产风险防范及保障机制,加强渔业生产风险抵抗能力;组织管理方面,组建渔业专业合作社,提升大连海鲜品牌形象,同时加强水产技术推广。 Dalian is an important base for breeding fishery and supplying aquatic products in the north of China.It has an absolute advantage in Liaoning′s fishery production,but the output benefit of Dalian′s mariculture is lower than that of the five cities(Qingdao,Weihai,Yantai,Weifang,Rizhao) in Jiaodong economic circle across the sea.The contradiction between the development of Dalian fishery and the demand is not only the transformation of the old and new mode of production,but also the absence of industrial adjustment and management.There is still a big gap between Dalian fishery and the informationization,intelligence,high productivity and low management cost required by modern fishery.Building a new model of modern fishery has become an inevitable choice for the construction of “blue granary” in Dalian.This requires adjustment in several aspects.In terms of industrial adjustment,the traditional fishery production mode should be transformed,carbon sink fishery be developed,and should do a good job in the integrated development of the primary,secondary and tertiary fishery industries.In terms of production mode,the advantages of Dalian′s fishery aquaculture should be consolidated,and land-based and far-reaching marine aquaculture be developed.In terms of science and technology,scientific and technological innovation should be accelerated,smart fishery demonstration work be carried out,and the popularization and application of smart technology in fishery breeding promoted.In the field of finance and insurance,the participation of marine finance in marine and fishery development and resource and environmental protection should be promoted,the risk prevention and guarantee mechanism of fishery production be improved,and the risk resistance capacity of fishery production be strengthened.In terms of organization and management,specialized professional fishery cooperatives should be strengthened and the brand image of Dalian seafood be enhanced,and aquatic technology promotion be strengthened.
作者 戢守玺 冀显芳 JI Shouxi;JI Xianfang(Dalian Ocean University,information engineering college,Dalian116023,China;Bank Of China Dalian branch,Dalian116001,China)
出处 《海洋开发与管理》 2022年第5期32-38,共7页 Ocean Development and Management
基金 大连市社会科学界联合会2020年度课题“东北亚海洋中心城市创建背景下的城市海洋信息化建设路径研究”(2020dlsky108) 大连市科技创新智库项目2020年度课题“大连海洋中心城市创建中的智慧海洋推进策略研究”(DLKX2020B02)阶段性研究成果之一。
关键词 蓝色粮仓 现代渔业 科技引领 全产业链 大连 Marine granary Modern fishery Science and technology leading The whole industrial chain Dalian
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