The TRIPS Agreement is the international standard for intellectual property protection currently implemented in the world.After the R&D technology,production formula and process flow of pharmaceutical products are granted patent protection,the price of pharmaceutical products has become high due to patent monopoly.Therefore,more and more developing countries have to resort to compulsory licenses in the TRIPS Agreement.By comparing the current situation of compulsory licensing provisions in developed countries,regions,and developing countries and related laws,specific recommendations are put forward such as adding provisions on“compulsory licensing of patents for public health medicines”to the Patent Law,aiming to effectively solve the relevant problems in the implementation of compulsory licensing provisions in China.
Gao Xiangyu;Duan Yanyu(Xi’an Institute of Electronic Engineering,Xi’an 710000;Xi’an Institute of Modern Control Technology,Xi’an 710000)
China-Arab States Science and Technology Forum