

On Theoretical Contributions Made by Pre-Qin Period's Thinkers in Process of History
摘要 历史进程是先秦思想家关心的大问题。每逢重大历史转折,思想家们就会抱着以史为鉴的态度,在这个问题上展开理论思考。“殷周递嬗”毫无疑问是一个重大历史转折,“小邦周”为什么能够战胜“大邦殷”?周公经过艰苦的反思认识到,那是因为殷纣无德,所以失去天命;武王有德,所以从殷人手中接过天命。天命有德,不但周取代商如此,从前的商取代夏也是如此。天命来自上帝(天),但根据却是民心。由此,夏、商、周三个邦国在共时并立的关系之外,又有了历时接续的关系;而天命民心决定夏、商、周历时接续的伟大发现,则成为后世“究天人之际,通古今之变”这一通史传统的滥觞。春秋战国是社会结构总体发生巨变的历史时期,思想家再次在历史进程问题上聚讼纷争。在古今关系问题上,儒家内部有“法后王”还是“法先王”的争论;法家则坚持历史阶段论,阶段不同(异),治道相应地不同(宜)。在历史是进步的还是退步的问题上,儒家、道家不情愿地承认历史在事实上是有进步的,但却情不自禁地认为历史又是一步步在堕落,今不如昔;最好的结果,儒家认为是再现尧舜那样的道德境界,道家则希望退回到曾经有过的小国寡民时代。在历史发展意义的问题上,《易传》提出只有矛盾运动,历史才能通、才能久的观点;阴阳五行家则发明了五德终始说,按照人为设定的五行相克的“原理”,把朝代的更替绑定在木—金—火—水—土的循环周期上。百家观点虽有所不同,这反映了阶级立场或利益诉求的不同,但却不约而同地突破了王朝体系,转而采用“古今”“上古、中世、当今”“五德”等范畴来再现历史。上述这些理论成就,构成了中国的历史进程观念的基本内容,不但在内部驱动着通史精神的发展,还与后世的三统说、三世说及其他文化因素一道,凝聚成中华文� As an important topic most concerned by the thinkers in Pre-Qin Period,the process of history is always theoretically discussed by them so as to learn some lessons from history.They believe that in the significant transitional period of history something unexpected will happen.Small countries,for example,can conquer big ones,which is contrary to what people normally think about.The reason behind the belief,they think,is that one's virtue plays an important role in the small country's victory over the big one,and it is derived from the destiny that is given by the heaven in accordance with how much the people support him or her.In view of the above-mentioned,a case in point is the process of history for Xia,Shang,and Zhou dynasties.In the same way the thinkers in Pre-Qin Period argue about the process of history for Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period in the most important transitory period in their history,and they,who are either Confucianists or Taoists or other theorists from all walks of life,have different viewpoints on the social changes of the Period.Though they are different in viewing the process of history for different periods or dynasties,the Pre-Qin thinkers made their common contributions in theory to the development of Chinese theory on the process of history.
作者 蒋重跃 JIANG Chong-yue(School of History,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《渤海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第2期1-11,共11页 Journal of Bohai University:Philosophy & Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金委托专项项目“新时代中国特色历史学基本理论问题研究”阶段性成果(项目编号:18VXK006)。
关键词 历史进程 周公 天命人心 王朝更替 诸子 古今关系 process of history Zhou Gong destiny and support of the people changes of dynasties zhuzi(referring to the philosophers or their works,outside the Confucianists such as Lao Zi,Zhuang Zi,Mo Zi,etc.) relationship between ancient times and contemporary period
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