用X射线衍射法测定了亲水涂层的表面结晶度 .根据X射线衍射强度理论和高聚物的两相模型概念 ,用计算机分峰法处理了亲水涂层的衍射曲线 ,计算了相应的衍射积分强度 ;引入原子散射因子、角因子和温度因子等校正因子 ,利用原子散射因子的近似表达式 ,导出了亲水涂层结晶度的计算公式 ;用JLC型润湿角测量仪测定了亲水涂层与水的接触角 ,观察了亲水箔经自来水淋洗后形成水膜的情况 .研究结果表明 :随着亲水涂层表面结晶度的增大 ,小于 5°接触角的重现性愈高 ,亲水涂层表面形成连续均匀水膜的能力愈强 ,即亲水箔的亲水性随着涂层表面结晶度的增大而增强 .
The surface crystallinity of the hydrophilic coating is determinated by X-ray diffraction(XRD). Based on the X-ray scattering intensity theory and the double-phase model idea of polymer, the scattering curves of the hydrophilic coating are processed by CPRM, and the corresponding scattering intensities are calculated.The formula of calculating crystallinity is deduced by the combination of the atomic scattering factors, angle factors and temperature factors,and the surface crystallinity of the hydrophilic coating is calculated.The contact angle of the hydrophilic coating is measured by the Contact Angle Tester of JLC,and the quality of water film on the hydrophilic coating is observed.The results indicate that the more the recurrence of contact angle less than 5°, the better the uniform water film, by increasing the surface crystallinity of hydrophilic coating, that is to say,with the increase of surface crystallinity, the hydrophilicity of the hydrophilic coating is enhanced.
Journal of Central South University of Technology(Natural Science)