

“Text Originating from Heaven”: The Influence of Dong Zhongshu’s Philosophical Thought on Literature
摘要 董仲舒的哲学思想对文学产生了重要影响。其一,“奉天而法古”是董仲舒的基本思想。“奉天”即法天道,“法古”即法圣人经典之道,这蕴含着“文本于天”的观念,是刘勰《文心雕龙》之原道、征圣、宗经思想的来源。其二,董仲舒认为天人同类相应,即天人在道德、情感等方面相感应、感通,这深刻影响着人们的文学创作和审美追求。天人同类相应不仅仅是隐喻方法,更是思维方式,把古人的内心世界(德性、情感)与天地的外部世界结合成一个有机的整体,而构成了天人合一的境界。其三,董仲舒“《诗》无达诂”的思想,揭示了文本解释中的一般特征,也构成了他的解释方法。文本没有恒常不变的原义,文本的意义具有多元性和开放性;解释者可以创造性地解释文本。其四,董仲舒指出《春秋》文本的基本特征——“微言大义”,也构成了他的解释方法:一是《春秋》之辞字面义与深层义有间距性,解释者由文辞的字面义入手,又要突破其字面义而把握其深层义,“见其指者,不任其辞”;二是《春秋》所记之事与事实真相背离,即“微言”“讳”,要求解释者推见至隐,以把握事实的真相及其隐含大义。 Dong Zhongshu’s philosophical thought have had an important influence on literature.First,following the Heaven’s will and imitating the ancients are the basic thoughts of Dong Zhongshu.“Following the Heaven’s will”is to follow the way of heaven,and“imitating the ancients”is to follow the way of the classics by the sages.This contains the concept of“text originating from heaven”,which,in Liu Xie’s Wen Xin Diao Long,is the source of the thought that writing should follow the way of heaven,the way of the sages and the way of classics.Second,Dong Zhongshu believes that humans and nature are of the same kind,that is,humans and nature are responded to each other in terms of morality and emotion,which profoundly influences people’s literary creation and aesthetic pursuit.The correspondence between humans and nature is not only a metaphorical method,but a way of thinking,which combines the inner world(virtue,emotion)of the ancients and the outer world of heaven and earth into an organic whole,thus constituting the realm of the unity of heaven and man.Third,Dong Zhongshu’s thought of“poetry defying fixed interpretation”reveals the general characteristics of text interpretation,which forms his interpretation method.The text has no constant original meaning,and the meaning of it is pluralistic and open;the interpreter can interpret it creatively.Fourth,Dong Zhongshu points out that subtle words with profound meanings,the basic feature of the text in The Spring and Autumn Annals,also constitutes his interpretation method:on the one hand,there is a gap between the literal meaning and the deep meaning of the words in The Spring and Autumn Annals,and the interpreter should start from the literal meaning of the words but breaks through it to grasp its deep meaning,that is,“If you grasp what it means,you can ignore its words”;on the other hand,the things recorded in The Spring and Autumn Annals deviate from the truth,that is,“subtle words”and“unreal things”,which require the interpret or to
作者 刘国民 LIU Guomin(School of Chinese Language and Literature,University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100089,China)
出处 《衡水学院学报》 2022年第3期8-16,共9页 Journal of Hengshui University
基金 中国社会科学院大学高等研究院重大课题“汉代公羊学之解释学研究” 国家社会科学基金重大项目“董仲舒传世文献考辨与历代注疏研究”(19ZDA027)。
关键词 董仲舒 哲学思想 文学 文本于天 天人合一 《诗》无达诂 微言大义 Dong Zhongshu philosophical thought literature texts originating from heaven the unity of heaven and man poetry defying fixed interpretation subtle words with profound meanings
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