将不同质量分数(分别为0,5%,10%和15%)的铁基非晶粉末加入铁基预合金粉末胎体中,通过热压烧结制成胎体试样后,测试其洛氏硬度、抗弯强度及磨损率。当不添加非晶粉末时,普通胎体的洛氏硬度、抗弯强度和磨损率分别为104.6 HRB,610 MPa和3.3;加入10%的非晶粉末后,其洛氏硬度和抗弯强度分别提高至107.7 HRB和965 MPa,比原胎体分别提高了3.0%和58.2%,磨损率降低至0.9,降低了72.7%;加入15%的非晶粉末后,其洛氏硬度和抗弯强度分别提高至110.0 HRB和790 MPa,分别提高了5.2%和29.5%,磨损率降低至0.6,降低了81.8%。因而铁基非晶粉末的加入可以显著提高胎体试样的机械性能和耐磨性。此外,铁基非晶粉末的DSC及XRD测试发现,在500~700℃时,铁基非晶粉末会产生晶体化相变,NiSi相中融入了B元素转化成NiSiB相,CrFe相中融入了Si元素形成SiCrFe相,都起到改善胎体结构、提高胎体性能的目的。
The Fe-based amorphous powders with different mass fractions of 0,5%,10%and 15%were added to the matrix of Fe-based prealloyed powder.After the matrix sample was made by hot pressing sintering,the Rockwell hard-ness,the flexural strength and the wear rate were tested.For the sample without powder,its Rockwell hardness,flexural strength and wear rate are 104.6 HRB,610 MPa and 3.3 respectively.For the sample adding 10%amorphous powder,its Rockwell hardness and flexural strength increase to 107.7 HRB and 965 MPa,which are 3.0%and 58.2%higher than the corresponding values of the original matrix respectively.The wear rate decreases to 0.9,which is 72.7%lower than the corresponding value of the original matrix.For the sample adding 15%amorphous powder,its Rockwell hardness and flexural strength increase to 110.0 HRB and 790 MPa,which are 5.2%and 29.5%higher than the corresponding values of the original matrix respectively.The wear rate decreases to 0.6,which is 81.8%lower than the corresponding value of the original matrix.Therefore,the addition of Fe-based amorphous powder can significantly improve the mech-anical properties and the wear resistance of matrix samples.In addition,the DSC and the XRD tests of Fe-based amorphous powder show that at 500~700℃,the Fe-based amorphous powder will produce the process of crystalline phase transformation.The B element is integrated into NiSi phase to convert into NiSiB phase,and the Si element is in-tegrated into CrFe phase to form SiCrFe phase,which can improve the matrix structure and properties.
LI Mingfeng;FANG Xiaohong;DUAN Longchen;TAN Songcheng(Engineering Faculty,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China)
Diamond & Abrasives Engineering