
金亚蓓教授基于“有故无殒”理论辨证施针治疗妊娠病的临床特色撷英 被引量:2

Clinical Experience of Professor JIN Yabei in Treating Pregnancy Diseases with Acupncture and Moxibustion According to Different Syndromes Based on the Theory of“You Gu Wu Yun”
摘要 [目的]总结浙江省名中医金亚蓓教授针灸治疗妊娠病的学术经验及特色。[方法]通过整理、回顾、分析金师针灸治疗妊娠病的相关医案,从中医病因病机、辨证选穴、治则治法、用穴特色等方面,全面总结归纳金师针灸治疗妊娠病的学术经验,并列举医案1则予以佐证。[结果]金师认为妊娠病病因大约有三,一曰阴亏、二曰气滞、三曰痰湿。临证遵“有故无殒”之大法,治病与安胎并举,脏腑辨证,以肝脾肾为中心,益气健脾的同时不忘补肾安胎;六经辨证,分经选穴;八纲辨证,巧用对穴,以表里经配穴调阴阳,以输募配穴调寒热,以脏腑配穴调虚实,达到“养胎不留邪,祛邪不伤胎之效”。所举医案为妊娠蛇串疮,证属心火亢盛型,予梅花针局部阿是穴轻叩刺以清泻湿热,配合体针清泻心经与滋肾安胎并举,使邪去则胎自安。[结论]金师临证尊“有故无殒”之大法,将妊娠病按脏腑、六经、八纲进行辨证施针,对于妊娠病的针灸治疗主张治病与安胎并举,巧用对穴,其经验独到,值得同道借鉴。 [Objective]To summarize the academic experience and characteristics of the famous traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)doctor JIN Yabei in treating pregnancy diseases with acupuncture and moxibustion.[Methods]Through sorting,reviewing and analyzing the medical records of Professor JIN in the diagnosis and treatment of pregnancy diseases with acupuncture and moxibustion,the academic experience of Professor JIN was summarized and presented comprehensively from several aspects such as etiology and pathogenesis,selection of acupoints based on syndrome differentiation,treatment methods,and characteristics of acupoint use,and one medical case was listed as evidence.[Results]Professor JIN believes that there are about three causes of pregnancy diseases,one is Yin deficiency,the second is Qi stagnation,and the third is phlegm dampness.In clinic,disease treatment and fetal protection are carried out simultaneously based on the theory of“You Gu Wu Yun”,she takes the liver,spleen and kidney as the center,replenishing Qi and strengthening the spleen without forgetting to tonify the kidney and settle the fetus according to viscera syndrome differentiation;selects acupoints by meridians according to the six meridians syndrome differentiation;skillfully uses the acupoint pairs according to the eight principles syndrome differentiation with regulating Yin and Yang by external and internal acupoints,regulating cold and heat by transfusion and raising acupoints,and regulating deficiency and excess by visceral acupoints,so as to achieve the effect of“raising the fetus without leaving evil and eliminating evil without damaging the fetus”.The medical record cited was pregnant snake string sore,which belonged to hyperactivity of heart fire.Plum blossom needle was given to tap and stab local Ashi acupoints to clear away damp and heat,and body acupuncture was combined with clearing away damp heat and nourishing the kidney and calming the fetus,so as to dispel evil and make the fetus safe.[Conclusion]Professor JIN chooses acupuncture
作者 郑利芳 孙占玲 刘承浩 张佳敏 金亚蓓 ZHENG Lifang;SUN Zhanling;LIU Chenghao(Zhejiang Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Hospital,Hangzhou(310003),China)
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2022年第3期248-251,263,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
基金 浙江省金亚蓓名老中医传承工作室项目(GZS2017016) 浙江省中医药科技计划项目(2016ZA152)。
关键词 妊娠病 有故无殒 辨证施针 针刺疗法 对穴 名医经验 金亚蓓 pregnancy diseases You Gu Wu Yun acupuncture based on syndrome differentiation acupuncture therapy acupoint pairs experience of famous doctor JIN Yabei
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