
蒙古旗人身份认同变迁与中华民族共同体之建构 被引量:2

Identity Change of Mongolian Bannermen and the Construction of Chinese National Community
摘要 从文学的角度探寻蒙古旗人的身份认同发现,其身份认同大致经历了三个时期。乾嘉时期,蒙古旗人的身份认同整体表现为对满洲的攀附,部分蒙古旗人甚至以满洲故地“长白”作为自己祖先的发源地;道咸同时期,蒙古旗人的身份认同开始发生转变,虽然部分靠近政治中心的蒙古旗人仍旧以满洲为自己族群,但更多的蒙古旗人开始以蒙古或成吉思汗祖先发源地“斡难”自署;至光宣时期,蒙古旗人纷纷认同自己民族的文化,探寻自己血脉源出的部落,并以此自署。与蒙古旗人身份认同变迁同步演进的是中华民族共同体的建构,这表现为乾嘉时期蒙古旗人以中华自居、道咸同时期汉语成为蒙古旗人的通用语以及光宣时期蒙古旗人笔下中华一体历史观的最终形成。这一现象的出现既与满洲统治力减弱、“国语骑射”文化渐渐消失有关,也是满蒙文化与汉文化持续交融并最终融入中华文化的体现,反映的是蒙古旗人将蒙古身份逐步纳入中华民族共同体的建构过程。 Exploring the identity of Mongolian Bannermen from the perspective of literature shows that their identity has roughly gone through three periods.During the Qianlong or Jiaqing Emperor,the Mongolian Bannerman's identity was manifested as the identity of being Manchurian.Some Mongolian Bannerman even took Changbai Mountain,the birthplace of Manchurian ancestors,as the birthplace of their ancestors.During the Daoguang or Xianfeng or Tongzhi Emperor started to change,although there is still some high ranking official of Mongolian Bannermen believe their own identity to Manchuria,but more Mongolian Bannermen begin to use Mongolia or the origin of the ancestors of Genghis Khan Onon River as a sign.During the Guangxu or Xuantong Emperor, Mongolian Bannermen began to identify with their own national culture and explore the tribes from which their blood originated,and thus self-identified.The transformation of Mongolian Bannerman's identity went on simultaneously with the construction of the Chinese nation community,which was manifested as the Mongolian Bannermen regarded themselves as Chinese during the Qianlong or Jiaqing Emperor.During the Daoguang or Xianfeng or Tongzhi Emperor,Chinese became the common language of Mongolian Bannermen.During the Guangxu or Xuantong Emperor,the historical view of Chinese unity is finally formed in the works of Mongolian Bannermen.On the one hand,the reason for this phenomenon is related to the weakening of Manchuria's ruling power and the gradual disappearance of national language and ride culture;on the other hand,it reflects the continuous integration of Manchuria culture,Mongolian culture and Han culture,and finally into Chinese culture. This phenomenon reflects the process of Mongolian Bannermen gradually incorporating Mongolian identity into the Chinese national community.
作者 张博 ZHANG Bo(School of Literature and Journalism, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot Inner Mongolia 010070, China)
出处 《内蒙古社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期141-146,共6页 Inner Mongolia Social Sciences
关键词 身份认同 中华民族共同体 蒙古族 八旗蒙古 Identity Chinese Nation Community Mongolian Mongolian Eight-Banner
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