“雪山”一词早在《梨俱吠陀》中便已出现,其最初的梵文表达形式为himavat或himavant,泛指一切雪山。公元5世纪以后,himavat一词逐渐演变成了himālaya一词,并固定下来专门指印度次大陆北边的雪山,即今所谓的“喜马拉雅”。古代印度梵语宗教系统中的凯拉萨(kailāsa)和玛纳萨湖(mānasa sara)就是“雪山崇拜”最为典型的代表,并逐步将其坛城化。印度佛教整合了印度梵语宗教系统的“凯拉萨”和“玛纳斯湖”的神话,并形成了印度佛教的“阿耨达池”信仰体系。“神山圣湖”本是藏地固有的史地观念和信仰体系。公元7世纪以后,印度佛教的“阿耨达池”(anavatapta)信仰和印度梵语宗教系统中的“凯拉萨”与“玛纳斯湖”的信仰体系一并进入藏地,并移植和嫁接到藏地固有的“冈底斯”和“玛旁雍措”史地系统,并使其发生重构和错位。13世纪之际,以萨迦班智达为代表的藏族佛教学者,明确地指出印度、中国西藏史地的错位,旗帜鲜明地否定西藏的“冈底斯山”与“玛旁雍措”对应佛典中“雪山”与“阿耨达池”,更不是印度梵语宗教系统中的“凯拉萨”和“玛纳斯湖”。
The word Himalayan appears as early as in the Rig Veda,and its original Sanskrit word was himavat or himavant,which refered to all snow mountains.After the 5th century,himavat evolved as himālaya,which was later fixed to refer specifically to the snowy mountains north of the Indian subcontinent,now known as the Himalaya.Kailāsa and Māna Sara in the ancient Indian Sanskrit religious system are the most typical representatives of snow mountain worship,and gradually made it as Maṇḍala.Indian Buddhism assimilates and fuses the myth of Kailasa and Manas Lake from the Sanskrit religious system.However,after Manasarovar in the Hindu Sanskrit religious system entered the Buddhist system,it evolved as the most famous Nāga in the Buddhist system,and then gradually evolved as Anavatapta belief system.After the 7th century,the Anavatapta belief of Indian Buddhism and the belief system of Kailasa and Manas Lake in The Indian Sanskrit religious system entered Tibet together,and profoundly influenced the historical and geographical concept of Tibet.Gangs ti se and Mansarovar were part of the historical and geographical system inherent in Tibet.With the introduction of Buddhism and the translation and introduction of Buddhist scriptures,Although Tibetan Buddhist scholars grafted and reconstructed the historical and geographical system inherent in Gangs ti se and Mansarovar,they still maintained the dominant position of local culture.In the first half of the 13th century,Tibetan Buddhist scholars represented by Sa skya Paṇḍita explicitly denied the snow mountain and Anavatapta in the Buddhist scriptures corresponding to Gangs ti se and Mansarovar in Tibet,not to mention the Kailasa and Manas Lake in the Hindu Sanskrit religious system.
YAN Xianghai;ZHANG Xiaoyuan
South and Southeast Asian Studies
Himalyan Worship
Sacred Mountain and Lake
History of India and Tibet