采用现场或实验室模拟法测定了体重分别为 ( 6 72± 1 95 )g、( 2 0 3± 0 46)g、( 0 68±0 1 5 )g和 ( 2 1 8± 0 60 )g的渤、黄海 4种小型鱼类斑、赤鼻棱、玉筋鱼和小鳞的摄食排空率 ;并比较了线性、指数和平方根 3种常用数学模型对其排空曲线的拟合程度。统计检验结果表明 ,4种实验鱼类的摄食排空曲线均可较好地用 3种数学模型进行拟合 (df=7— 1 0 ,r2 =0 785 2— 0 9787,P <0 0 1 ) ;如果以r2 为指标评价 ,指数模型对玉筋鱼和小鳞的拟合程度较高 ,而平方根和直线模型较适于描述赤鼻棱和斑 ;综合评价结果则进一步表明 ,指数模型最适于定量描述 4种鱼类的摄食排空曲线 ,平方根模型次之 ,直线模型较差。 4种鱼类摄食排空率有较大差异 ,从排空起始至胃含物的 5 % ,用时范围在 1 1 64— 2 4 70h之间 ;本实验条件下 ,4种鱼类摄食排空率顺序为 :玉筋鱼 >赤鼻棱 >斑 >小鳞。引起不同鱼类摄食排空率显著差异的原因可能与胃结构有关。
Studies were carried out in laboratory and in situ on the gastric evacuation rates of 4 fish species (Clupanodon punctatus, Thryssa kammalensis, Ammodytes personatus, Hyporhamphus sajori) in Bohai and Yellow Seas, with the their weight being at (6.72±1.95)g, (2.03±0.46)g, (0.68±0.15)g and (2.18±0.60)g, respectively. The goodness of fit of three mathematical models in common uses for the gastric evacuation was compared, including linear, exponential and square root model. According to the statistical test, all the three models could fit quite well the gastric evacuation of the 4 tested fish species (d f =7-10, r 2=0. 7852-0. 9787, P <0. 01). If using r 2 as assessment index, the exponential model could very well fit Ammodytes personatus and Hyporhamphus sajori , while square root model and linear model could much better fit Thryssa kammalensis and Clupanodon punctatus . Based on the synthetic assessment, the exponential model is best suitable for quantitatively describing the gastric evacuation of the 4 fish species, square root model came second. Significant differences were observed among the 4 gastric evacuation rates. It would take 11. 64h to 24. 70h from initial evacuation to 5% fullness of stomach content. The sequence of gastric evacuation rates of the 4 fish species were: Ammodytes personatus > Thryssa kammalensis > Clupanodon punctatus > Hyporhamphus sajori . The main reason caused the significant difference of the gastric evacuation rates among the test fish species was possibly due to their different stomach structure, except Hyporhamphus sajori.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目G1 9990 43 710号
国家自然科学基金重大资助项目49790 1 0 0 1号
Gastric evacuation rate, Small size fish, Bohai and Yellow Seas