
“审美”研究方法论:在经验-先验论与审美历史主义之间 被引量:3

Methodology of“Aesthetic”Research:Between Empirical Transcendentalism and Aesthetic Historicism
摘要 经验-先验论和审美历史主义是贯穿美学史的两种方法,前者导向还原论和本质主义与个体经验的统一,后者导向历史主义多元论,最终导致审美中的历史主义与反历史主义的统一。对“审美”的研究,需要在经验-先验论和审美历史主义之间进行综合。审美研究通过经验-先验论的方法来面对新经验,反思出新经验中的一般性和特殊性;通过审美历史主义,审美研究尊重历史传统,并且充分利用历史所提供的多种审美模式,对当下正在发生着的新的审美经验做出阐释,选择性地推动新经验的发展。对“审美”的研究中,两种方法的结合,可以把对普遍性的提炼与对新经验的吸纳结合起来,从而让人类的审美愉悦成为由历史的长河汇聚成的海洋,成为由每一个个体的独特体验所凝聚成的交响乐,这种汇聚与凝结,才是美学史研究和审美理论研究的使命。 In the research on “aesthetic activity”, the radical historicism has given up asking what aesthetics is, what beauty is and their respective definitions, and it has become a nihilist or pluralist with too strong historical consciousness in the attitude of anti-essentialism. With the firm belief that the beauty and aesthetics boast their universal essence, the radical reductionism will inevitably become an essentialist as well as a monist, which would become an arbitrary theory of “discourse hegemony”. Or we need to combine the empirical transcendentalism with aesthetic historicism so as to overcome this radicalization. Studies on “aesthetics” shall be integrated between empirical transcendentalism and aesthetic historicism.As a method, empirical transcendentalism can be summarized as a theoretical model: exploring the generality behind the individual experiences through the reflection, unification and synthesis of the particular experience, or restoring the rich practical experience to a priori principle, which manifests a reflective judgment of subjective-teleology principle. First of all, this model requires that the researchers should have real experience, then reflect on this experience, restore the reasons of it, and explore the generality contained in it. This should be the basic method of empirical transcendentalism.The aesthetic historicism recognizes such richness and complexity of aesthetics that it cannot be summarized by a universal and certain concept with universal application. This attitude holds that the aesthetic behaviors and the aesthetic concepts have their timeliness and may continue to change in history and the concepts related to experience are bound to change, so it is not necessary to derive the only general concept. Then, all concepts should be juxtaposed. So the historical pluralism in the aesthetic field has been formed. The aesthetic historicism puts forward two requirements for the aesthetic research: One is to explore historical experience as widely as possible and then
作者 刘旭光 LIU Xu-guang(Faculty of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China)
机构地区 上海大学文学院
出处 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期91-102,共12页 Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社科基金艺术学重大项目“中国近代以来艺术中的审美理论话语研究”(20ZD28)的阶段性成果 国家社科基金重点项目“‘审美’的观念演进与当下形态研究”(18AZW003)的阶段性成果。
关键词 审美 审美历史主义 经验-先验论 方法 aesthetics the empirical transcendentalism aesthetic historicism methodology
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