为了合理确定高速铁路无砟轨道WJ-7型扣件安装扭矩最大限值,建立高速车辆-轨道耦合动力学模型,计算分析钢轨垂向动位移变化特征,进而构建WJ-7型扣件系统有限元模型。以钢轨位移和扣件安装扭矩最大限值为输入荷载,分析扣件安装扭矩对弹条及T型螺栓应力状态的影响,提出扣件安装扭矩最大限值的取值建议。结果表明:WJ-7型扣件弹条及T型螺栓所受应力随扣件安装扭矩的增大而增大;在扭矩作用下,T型螺栓应力较大区域为根部和中部,弹条应力较大区域为前肢、中肢和后肢,且前肢所受应力最大;对于时速250、300、350 km高速铁路,为保证WJ-7型扣件系统弹条及T型螺栓受力安全,应避免T型螺栓安装扭矩过大,建议其安装扭矩最大限值分别取140、130、120 N·m。
For the proper identification of the maximum installation torque of WJ-7 fastenings for HSR ballastless track, the paper develops a high speed vehicle-track coupling dynamic model to analyze the characteristics of vertical dynamic displacement of rails, which helps to build up a finite element model of WJ-7fastening system. Taking the rail displacement and the maximum fastening installation torque as the input loads,the paper then analyzes the influence of the fastening installation torque on the stress state of clips and T-bolts,on which basis the maximum fastening installation torque is recommended. The results show that the stress on clips and T-bolts of WJ-7 fastenings increases with the increase of the fastening installation torque. Under the action of torque, large stress occurs at the root and middle part of T-bolts and at the forelimb, middle limb and hind limb, in particular the forelimb that is subject to the maximum stress. For the stress safety of clips and Tbolts of WJ-7 fastening system, excessive installation torque of T-bolts should be avoided for 250 km/h, 300 km/h and 350 km/h high speed railways. It is recommended that the maximum installation torque should be 140 N·m,130 N·m and 120 N·m respectively.
ZENG Yong;QIN Zhangyue;YI Mengxue;XIA Ziyou;SHAN Haidong(School of Civil Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu Sichuan 610031,China;MOE Key Laboratory of High Speed Railway Engineering,Chengdu Sichuan 610031,China)
China Railway