本文针对既有CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道能否满足400 km/h及以上速度列车正常运行的问题,基于有限元方法建立了CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道的车辆-轨道耦合动力学模型,分析了列车以400~600 km/h速度正常通过桥梁与路基基础直线地段时车辆与轨道的动力特性,并参考《高速铁路工程动态验收技术规范》的规定限值,对各项动力性能指标进行评判。研究结果表明:(1)CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道结构与技术标准满足400 km/h+高速列车的正常运行条件,随着列车速度的增大,轮重减载率有较明显的增大;(2)列车舒适性与平稳性均处于较优状态,无砟轨道各动力性能指标均未超过最大允许值;(3)相较于桥梁基础,路基基础上的列车轮重减载率较小,轨道板垂向位移偏大,为确保400 km/h及以上速度列车的长期运营安全,路基基础刚度不宜过低。
Aiming at the problem whether the existing CRTSⅢslab-type ballastless track can meet the normal operation of trains at 400 km/h and above,this paper establishes the vehicle-track coupling dynamic model for CRTSⅢslab-type ballastless track based on finite element method,analyzes the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle and track when the train normally passes through the straight section of bridge and subgrade foundation at the speed of 400-600 km/h,and evaluate each dynamic performance index with reference to the specified limits of Technical Regulations for Dynamic Acceptance for High-speed Railways Construction.The results show that:(1)The structure and technical standards of CRTSⅢslab-type ballastless track meet the normal operating conditions of 400 km/h+high-speed trains,and with the increase of train speed,the rate of wheel load reduction increases significantly.(2)The comfort and smoothness of trains are in a good state,and the dynamic performance indexes of ballastless track do not exceed the maximum allowable values.(3)Compared with the bridge foundation,the rate of wheel load reduction of the train on the subgrade foundation is smaller,and the vertical displacement of the track slab is larger.In order to ensure the long-term operation safety of trains with speeds of 400 km/h and above,the stiffness of the subgrade foundation should not be too low.
HE Ning;SU Qiankun;LIU Dayuan;PANG Ling;WANG Yuheng(China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610031,China)
High Speed Railway Technology