
汽车EHB系统控制策略研究 被引量:1

Research on Control Strategy of Vehicle Electro-Hydraulic Brake System
摘要 为了提高汽车线控液压制动系统的动态响应特性,在分析了线控液压制动系统工作原理的基础上建立其数学模型以及AMESim液压模型,提出了遗传算法优化PID控制策略和模糊自适应PID控制策略。基于AMESim与Matlab/Simulink软件搭建系统联合仿真研究平台,通过分析相同输入信号下实际制动轮缸压力曲线来研究线控液压制动系统在两种控制算法下的动态响应特性。结果表明遗传算法优化PID控制策略比模糊自适应PID控制策略下的系统响应时间少0.1s,前者更有助于提高线控液压制动系统的响应特性。 In order to improve the response characteristics of Electro-Hydraulic Brake system(EHB),the mathematical model and AMESim hydraulic model were established based on the analysis of its working principle,the control strategies of genetic algorithm optimizing PID parameters and fuzzy adaptive PID were proposed.Built the system co-simulation research platform based on AMESim and Matlab/Simulink software,the dynamic response characteristics of EHB system were studied by inputting the same signal under the two kinds of control algorithm and analyzing the actual brake wheel cylinder pressure curve.The results showed that:Compared to fuzzy adaptive PID control,the control strategy of genetic algorithm optimizing PID parameter is faster response about 0.1s,the control strategy of genetic algorithm optimizing PID parameters improves the response characteristics of EHB braking system better than fuzzy adaptive PID control strategy.
作者 李娜 陈勇 LI Na;CHEN Yong(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Beijing Information Science and Technology University,Beijing 100192,China;Beijing Collaborative Innovation Center of Electric Vehicles,Beijing 100192,China)
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2022年第4期105-109,共5页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 科技创新服务能力建设—北京实验室建设—新能源汽车北京实验室项目(PXM2019_014224_000005) 科技创新服务能力建设—科研基地建设—北京实验室—新能源汽车北京实验室项目(PXM2018_014224_000011)。
关键词 线控液压制动系统 数学模型 控制策略 响应特性 联合仿真 EHB System Mathematical Model Control Strategy Response Characteristics Joint Simulation
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