
2014-2020年浙江省湖州市伤害死亡变化趋势及潜在寿命损失 被引量:9

Incidence trend and potential life loss of injury death in Huzhou, Zhejiang, 2014–2020
摘要 目的 了解浙江省湖州市居民伤害死亡特征和潜在寿命损失情况,为制订伤害预防控制措施提供参考依据。方法 收集2014-2020年湖州市居民伤害死亡资料,按国际疾病分类标准(ICD-10)进行分类;采用死亡率、构成比等指标分析伤害死亡流行特征,对死亡率进行χ^(2)检验和时间趋势分析;用平均减寿年数(AYLL)、减寿率(PYLLR)评估伤害的疾病负担,用年度变化百分比评价AYLL、PYLLR的时间变化趋势。结果 2014-2020年湖州市居民伤害年均死亡率为69.82/10万,且随年份呈现上升趋势(趋势χ^(2)=244.537,P<0.001)。男性伤害死亡率高于女性(χ^(2)=233.771,P<0.001);伤害死因前5位依次为非故意跌落、机动车交通事故、机动车以外的运输事故、自杀、溺水,非故意跌落和女性溺水死亡率分别呈逐年上升趋势(趋势χ^(2)=474.799,P<0.001;趋势χ^(2)=6.711,P<0.05);溺水是0~14岁儿童的主要伤害死因,机动车交通事故是15~64岁青壮年的主要伤害死因,非故意跌落是60岁以上老年人主要伤害死因;伤害平均减寿年数为18.15年,减寿率为5.67‰,寿命损失前3位的伤害死因分别为机动车辆交通事故、机动车以外的运输事故和自杀。结论 伤害是湖州市的主要死因之一,造成巨大期望寿命损失,要针对机动车辆交通事故、非故意跌落、溺水等重点伤害采取有效的预防控制措施。 Objective To study the morality and life loss of injury death in Huzhou,Zhejiang province, and provide scientific evidence for the prevention and control of injury. Methods The injury death data in residents in Huzhou from 2014 to 2020 were collected and the data were classified according to the international classification of diseases, 10 th edition(ICD-10);The mortality and death cause constituent were calculated, and the mortality trend was evaluated by using χ^(2) test. The average years of life lost(AYLL) and potential years of life lost rate(PYLLR) were calculated, and the trend of AYLL and PYLLR were evaluated by using annual percent change(APC). Results The average mortality rate of injury was 69.82/100000 in residents in Huzhou during 2014–2020, which showed a upward trend year by year(trend χ^(2)=244.537, P<0.001). The injury mortality was higher in males than in females( χ^(2)=233.771, P<0.001). The first five injury death causes were accidental fall, traffic accident,shipping accident except motor vehicle, suicide, drowning. The mortality rates of deaths caused by accidental fall in entire population and drowning in females increased with year(trend χ^(2)=474.799, P<0.001, trendχ^(2)=6.711, P<0.05). Drowning was the major death cause in age group 0–14 years, traffic accident was the major death cause in age group 15–64 years and accidental fall was the major death cause in age group >65 years. The average years of life lost by injury was 18.15 years, the potential years of life lost rate was 5.67‰, the first three leading injury related death causes were traffic accident, shipping accident except motor vehicle and suicide. Conclusion Injury has become one of major death causes in Huzhou, causing great loss of life expectancy, targeted prevention and control measures for traffic accident,accidental fall, drowning and other key injuries should be conducted to reduce the burden of injury effectively.
作者 俞梅华 丁晶莹 Yu Meihua;Ding Jingying(Huzhou Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Huzhou 313000,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《疾病监测》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期257-261,共5页 Disease Surveillance
关键词 伤害 死亡率 趋势 减寿年数 Injury Mortality Trend Potential years of life lost
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