

Diversity of Medicinal Vascular Plant Resources in the Zhangmuqing Nature Reserve
摘要 目的:为掌握禄丰樟木箐州级自然保护区的药用维管植物资源现状及其组成特点,提高对保护区植物资源的就地保护和合理利用水平。方法:基于20余年积累的数据,编制保护区药用维管植物资源数据库,对科属种特征、生活型组成、药用部位、药用功效等进行分析。结果:(1)樟木箐自然保护区药用维管植物共有158科462属741种。少种科的科数最多,多种科的科数最少,但种类最多,单种科的种数最少;单种属所含种类占绝对优势。(2)保护区药用维管植物以多年生草本为主,入药部位以根类和全草类为主,根类药的最多。(3)药用功效以清热类、活血化瘀类、利水渗湿类、祛风湿类和补虚类为主,但化痰止咳平喘类和止血类药用维管植物的种类数量均超过100种。结论:保护区药用维管植物资源无论从种类和科属结构,还是药用部位、药用功效都具有丰富的多样性;建议进一步查清各类药用植物,尤其是濒危药用植物的种群数量及生境特征,为制定可持续开发利用策略,药用植物资源保护提供科学依据。 Objective:To understand fully the characteristics of current situation and composition of medicinal vascular plant resources in Zhangmuqing Nature Reserve,and improve standards for in situ protection and rational development and utilization of medicinal plant resources in the reserve.Methods:The characteristics of resources and diversity of medicinal plant in Zhangmuqing Nature Reserve was analyzed basing on the surveyed data accumulated over the past two decades.Results:(1)The medicinal vascular plant in Zhangmuqing Nature Reserve included 742 species varieties,which belong to 462 genera and158 families.The number of families in the family with few species was the most,but was the least in the family with multiple species.The number of species in the family with multiple species was the most,but was the least in the family with single species.The number of species was dominant in the genus with single species.(2)Medicinal vascular plant in the reserve were mainly perennial herbs.Medicinal organ was mainly root and whole grass,and root drugs were the most.(3)The main medicinal functions were clearing heat,promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis,diuresis and dampness,dispelling wind dampness and tonifying deficiency.However,there were more than 100 species of vascular plants for resolving the phlegm,the cough,the asthma and the hemostasis.Conclusion:The resources of medicinal vascular plants in the Zhangmuqing Nature Reserve were rich diversity both in term of the composition of families,genera and species and in terms of medicinal organ and medicinal functions.It was suggested that further investigation on the population and habitat characteristics of medicinal plants,especially endangered medicinal plants,should be needed to design strategies of sustainable development and utilization,and provide scientific basis for the protection of medicinal plant resources in the reserve.
作者 杨守生 邝粉良 余诗瑞 张继伟 陈佳楠 徐成东 Yang Shousheng;Kuang Fenliang;Yu Shirui;Zhang Jiwei;Chen Jianan;Xu Chengdong(Management and Protection Bureau of Zhangmuqing Nature Reserve,Chuxiong 675000,China;School of Resource Environment and Chemistry,Chuxiong Normal University,Chuxiong 675000,Chi-na;Institute of Development and Utilization of Biological Resources in Central Yunnan Plateau Chux-iong Normal University,Chuxiong 675000,China)
出处 《中国野生植物资源》 CSCD 2022年第2期63-68,共6页 Chinese Wild Plant Resources
基金 云南省万人计划教学名师项目(201801)。
关键词 药用维管植物 多样性 樟木箐州级自然保护区 Medicinal vascular plant Diversity Zhangmuqing Nature Reserve
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