The Sorrow of War is a novel written by the Vietnamese writer Bao Ning. This work mainly focuses on the pain caused by the Vietnam War to the people through the narrative method of stream of consciousness and from the perspective of anti-war. It depicts the relationship of the protagonist with the female characters in the novel. In building the female images, Bao Ning not only depicts the women living under traditional patriarchy, but also many female characters with feminist consciousness, including A’Fang who rebels against traditions, A’Xing and A’He who are praised as heroines, and HeBi who yearns for gender equality between men and women. The status and life experience of female characters are studied. This article mainly analyzed the classification of image building of female characters and discussed their destinies.
ZHAO Liming(School of South Asian and Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures,Yunnan Minzu University, Kunming 650500, China)
Journal of Kunming Metallurgy College