
西北太平洋区域海洋垃圾合作治理的模式选择 被引量:1

Selection of cooperative governance pattern for marine litter in the North-west Pacific region
摘要 西北太平洋区域海洋垃圾污染严重,但目前尚未建立合作治理的法律制度体系。通过选取政治体制异质性和经济发展异质性2个维度,对联合国环境规划署推介的北海-东北大西洋模式、波罗的海模式和地中海模式等3种典型的区域环境合作制度化模式的特点、生成机理以及西北太平洋区域情境的比较分析后发现,选取地中海模式具有更大的契合性,更容易达成。以"框架公约+议定书"为模板,西北太平洋区域需要制定鼓励性的框架公约,从管理架构、实施机制等方面进行原则性规定,吸纳朝鲜加入。在此基础上再制定《保护西北太平洋防止海洋垃圾污染议定书》,从国内法的衔接、执行与监督、争端处理等方面进行具体规定,并充分发挥现有政府间组织的作用和机制,为最终形成西北太平洋区域一体化的环境合作治理法律体系开辟道路和奠定基础。 The North-west Pacific region is polluted seriously by marine litter, but has yet to establish legal system of cooperative governance. There are three typical institutionalized cooperative patterns, which are the North Sea and North-East Atlantic, the Baltic, and the Mediterranean patterns. By choosing two dimensions of the heterogeneity of the political system and the heterogeneity of economic development to analyze the three patterns’ characters, generation mechanism, and the situation of North-west Pacific region, it can be found that the North-west Pacific region should choose the Mediterranean pattern, which are the fittest and the easiest to achieve. In order to absorb DPR Korea to join in, the North-west Pacific region, using the form of "Convention and Protocol", needs to formulate encouraging framework convention, which covers the contents of management structure and implement mechanism, etc. Based on that convention, the protocol to prevent marine litter pollution in the North-west Pacific region, which covers the concrete contents of the linkage to the domestic law, execution and supervision, and dispute settlement, should be formulated. And to make the intergovernmental organizations work at full capacity is also necessary. The cooperative governance pattern adopted for marine litter can pave the way for and lay the solid foundation for the integrated environmental cooperative governance legal system in the North-west Pacific region.
作者 孔凡宏 沙媛媛 李姗姗 朱伟平 KONG Fanhong;SHA Yuanyuan;LI Shanshan;ZHU Weiping(College ofMarine Culture and Law,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China)
出处 《上海海洋大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期201-211,共11页 Journal of Shanghai Ocean University
基金 上海海洋大学高水平地方高校试点建设项目(A1-3201-20-3009)。
关键词 海洋垃圾 区域环境 合作治理 西北太平洋区域 marine litter regional environment cooperative governance North-west Pacific region
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