

Legal Principles and Sovereignty in Sino-foreign Litigation:A Study on Xiong Xiling and the Case of Wah Chang Company
摘要 1922年美国人怀德在上海公共租界会审公廨控告湖南华昌公司拖欠钱款。原告胜诉,但华昌公司处于破产托管中,包括前国务总理熊希龄在内的股东们消极应诉,无意协助执行判决。1926年6月会审公廨借熊希龄访沪之际将他拘传受审。彼时正值中外交涉收回会审公廨的关键时刻,熊希龄质疑法庭的管辖权和传唤程序,将个人受辱引申为西人藐视中国主权,引发各界声援。这一华洋纠纷变为交涉事件,有利于中方收回会审公廨。该案于1927年审结。华昌公司案在舆论中由隐到显以及会审公廨管辖权不断被“问题化”的过程,反映了1920年代中国高涨的民族主义情绪和北洋政府收回利权的努力,亦构成租界法权变迁和近代中国废除治外法权的缩影。 Mr.White filed a lawsuit against Wah Chang Company in Shanghai international mixed court for recovering loans and salaries in 1922.He won the case,but Wah Chang Company was in the process of bankruptcy and the shareholders including Xiong Xiling took a negative attitude.In June 1926,Xiong Xiling visited Shanghai.The international mixed court forced him to be detained for trial,while Chinese authorities negotiated with foreign powers to withdraw the mixed court.Xiong Xiling questioned the court’s jurisdiction and considered this trial as Westerners’contempt for China’s sovereignty,which received public support and promoted the withdrawal of mixed court.The case was not closed until 1927.The repercussion in public sphere and the constant denial of the court’s jurisdiction manifest the rising Chinese nationalist sentiment and the efforts of Chinese authorities to abolish the extraterritorial rights in the 1920s.
作者 侯庆斌 HOU Qingbin(Department of history,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期56-64,共9页 Historical Research In Anhui
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划青年课题“西法东渐与城市治理:法国藏上海租界会审公廨档案整理与研究”(2018ELS003)的阶段性成果 上海市浦江人才计划(18PJC054)资助。
关键词 熊希龄 华昌公司 会审公廨 华洋诉讼 国权 Xiong Xiling Wah Chang Company mixed court Sino-foreign litigation sovereignty
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