In order to evaluate the complex thermal vibration fatigue performance of engine exhaust system under various working conditions,the equivalent simulation model is established by measuring the input data,simplifying and benchmarking the model.The time domain results are used to evaluate the thermal vibration fatigue of the hot end of the exhaust system.The influence range of temperature and manufacturing tolerance on fatigue results is studied,and the targets of safety factor are qualified.The solid weld model is established to standardize the weld modeling parameters.The principal S-N curve method is used as the core algorithm for new application evaluation,and the critical interpolation method is used to calculate the equivalent structural stress.It overcomes the problems of strong dependence of weld loading mode and strict requirements of mesh type and size by old method.This evaluation method can support the exhaust system design scheme comparison and selection,and provide rapid evaluation for welding scheme change,which has guiding significance in practical application.
WANG Huiling;LIU Yaodong
Shanghai Auto