经济安全即国家在经济事务中的自主性。经济安全观即一国对于外部世界与自身经济安全之间关系的基本认知、理解及判断。加入WTO 20年来,中国经济安全观的演变大致可划分为适应期、调整期、确立期三个阶段。在2001~2010年的适应期,中国立意融入经济全球化进程,其保障安全的方式更多在于改变自身,而较少涉及对外部世界的触动或要求。在2010~2020年的调整期,中国着眼于对外依存度与脆弱性过高等问题,更多表现出影响外部世界的意愿与信心,旨在解决本国在国际经济体系中地位与实力不相匹配的问题。2020年之后,中国特色的大国经济安全观基本形成。中国应对化解外部风险的方式,更为鲜明地呈现出以立足国内为力量源泉、积极主动的特征。这一应变方式不仅仅以解决具体问题为导向,而是从战略视角出发,以构建新型国际关系、从根本意义上改善外部环境为指引。总体观之,新时期的经济安全观彰显出强烈的大国意识、应变意识、系统意识,其对本国及世界的深远影响正在逐渐显现。
Economic security refers to the autonomy of a country in economic affairs.The view of economic security refers to a country’s basic cognition,understanding and judgment of the relationship between the external world and its own economic security.In the past 20 years since China’s entry into the WTO,the evolution of China’s view on economic security can be roughly divided into three stages:the adaptation period,the adjustment period,and the establishment period.During the adaptation period from 2001 to 2010,China intended to integrate into the process of economic globalization,and its way of ensuring security lied more in changing itself,and less in changing or requesting the outside world.During the adjustment period from 2010 to 2020,China focused on issues such as high external dependence and vulnerability,and showed more willingness and confidence to influence the outside world,aiming to resolve the mismatch between its status and strength in the international economic system.After 2020,a major power’s view of economic security with Chinese characteristics basically takes shape.China’s approach to resolve external risks has more clearly demonstrated the proactive characteristics of taking a foothold at home as a source of strength.This approach is not only oriented towards solving specific problems,but also based on strategic thinking,guided by the construction of new type of international relations and the fundamental improvement of external environment.In general,the view of economic security in the new era shows a strong sense of major power,contingency awareness,and systemic awareness,and its far-reaching impact on the country and the world is gradually showing.
Sun Yiran;He Yao;Li Bing
World Economy Studies