Adding compatibilizer to polymer-modified asphalt(PMA)is an effective method to improve compatibility and performance.However,only few studies have systematically focused on how compatibilizer can affect the performance of styrene-butadiene-styrene(SBS)polymer-modified asphalt(PMA).In this study,six compatibilizers with different compositions were used to prepare SBS PMA samples.Conventional performance,viscosity-temperature characteristics,viscoelastic behavior,creep properties,and morphology were investigated.The results show that adding compatibilizer to SBS PMA has a great effect on its performance.High aromatics content in compatibilizers can improve the high-temperature performance of SBS PMA,while a high saturates content can enhance the low-temperature performance.Additionally,high aromatics content in compatibilizer can increase the temperature sensitivity.While the aromatics content does improve the compatibility of SBS PMA to some extent,adding compatibilizer to SBS PMA has few effects on the microstructure.Judging from our test results,we can conclude that the optimum aromatics content for adding compatibilizer to SBS PMA ranges from 33.21%to 54.22%.
This work was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(B210202040)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51708177).